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Author Topic: Tape in the thumbhole issues  (Read 979 times)


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Tape in the thumbhole issues
« on: October 17, 2008, 04:50:10 PM »
Okay, here's the short version:

I like a lot of bevel on my thumbholes for a cleaner release...

I didn't anticipate the bottom of the hole being softer and it ended up being a strange feeling, almost like pitched under after I stuck my hand in it...

So by the time that I got my thumbhole even so it wasn't retarded shaped, it was HUGE.

I got 6 pieces of tape in it in order to tighten it up, but then I ran into the problem of my thumb being too wide and it feels weird because my thumb hangs over the edges of the tape. I use 1" tape already...what else can I do? I was thinking about putting 2 pieces side by side. I don't like tape in the back, black or white.

I'm going to redrill the hole, but in the meantime?
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Re: Tape in the thumbhole issues
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2008, 05:27:54 AM »
you could use tape on the sides to shrink to hole. haha i've been playing around with tape too for the past 2 weeks, just started getting use to a tight thumb, now I need to get a mold done cuz I found a good fit/ feeling.
PS: I used 2-3 pieces of thicker non bowling tape, kinda like duck tape. And on top of that i used 2-3 pieces of bowling tape. Tape is the cheap $ way to get a fitting. But I find it hard to get all my balls to "feel" the same when they sit in my hand.
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Re: Tape in the thumbhole issues
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2008, 08:15:30 AM »
When you redrill the ball, I would suggest putting in a thumb slug.  It is going to be a lot smoother.


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Re: Tape in the thumbhole issues
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2008, 09:07:53 AM »
"I didn't anticipate the bottom of the hole being softer"

usually beveling is just around the top of the hole. How did the bottom of the hole get involved? It sounds more like you were trying to shape the whole thumb hole. Not just adding some bevel.

Beside a slug, I'd look into milling a oval shape hole or oval insert. since you have wide thumb.

Edited on 10/19/2008 9:12 AM
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Re: Tape in the thumbhole issues
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2008, 07:47:21 AM »
Did you use a drill with a sanding disc? The filler is much softer than the coverstock, and if you go way deep into the thumb hole it surely widens the hole/shaft. I bet you have a pitch change, even a problem, now, due to the widened hole. Tape might help getting it bacik tio s anug diameter, but I am sure the pitch feels off.

IMHO, have a urethane thumb slug inserted, and get the thumb re-drilled. You have just one material to deal with, and you will be back to normal standards.

I once had a ball where I also sanded too much and too deep, in order to get a smooth and deep bevel. But it was way too much, the ball slipped off of my hand. I tried to re-build the orginal hole with epoxy putty, but it was useless. I had to get another thumb slug, and since then I just carefully work on the bevel/upper end of the hole to get a good bevel shape for my needs. What's gone is gone, and it is VERY hard to repair such "damages"... Good luck!
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Tape in the thumbhole issues
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2008, 10:43:40 AM »
Did you use a drill with a sanding disc? The filler is much softer than the coverstock, and if you go way deep into the thumb hole it surely widens the hole/shaft. I bet you have a pitch change, even a problem, now, due to the widened hole. Tape might help getting it bacik tio s anug diameter, but I am sure the pitch feels off.

IMHO, have a urethane thumb slug inserted, and get the thumb re-drilled. You have just one material to deal with, and you will be back to normal standards.

I once had a ball where I also sanded too much and too deep, in order to get a smooth and deep bevel. But it was way too much, the ball slipped off of my hand. I tried to re-build the orginal hole with epoxy putty, but it was useless. I had to get another thumb slug, and since then I just carefully work on the bevel/upper end of the hole to get a good bevel shape for my needs. What's gone is gone, and it is VERY hard to repair such "damages"... Good luck!
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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This is exactly what I ended up doing.

Thanks to everyone for your suggestions.

The reason I hesitated to do this is the fact that NOTHING I own has a slug. I prefer to just drill straight into the ball.
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