I actually found it pretty interesting. Dukes team came back and won the Baker team game. The oil pattern was set up to play decent. What happened wasn't so much about the shot blowing up as it was about the underlying difference in the two lanes. The right lane had a hang spot compared to the left lane. There was really no place to play that would allow the heavy handed guys to cover many boards as the shot started to transition. The left lane kept getting deeper, but nothing the guys couldn't handle as the shot was transitioning. Dallas built a big lead through 5 playing on the left lane. The big break came because the right line finally started to open up just enough that Dallas was able to avoid the 2-10 combo hits when they moved over.
For all the talk over the last 20 years about the game becoming too easy, I think shows like this point out how difficult transitions have become in team formats. Tough shot like USBC can be burned into easier patterns, and easy patterns end up blowing up in more random fashion because the heavy handed guys can get left too early.