Alright so there is some intrest.. I want to hold a test tourney out tomorrow night..
Go pick up the game if you dont have it.. You can get it cheap. Don't forget to get the PC version.
Tuesday: 7 or 8 Pm? You guys pick..
PM ME if your going to play
I will send further instructions tomorrow prior to the tournament
You can IM me on AIM at TheBowlersAlley
E-mail me
If this goes well we will go on and get a thing going..
BCP is really old school, you can create your on charecters, its a fun game..
So PM Me if your in for tomorrow.. anytime after 7 I can do so tell me what time guys..
Buy it on Ebay!
The Bowlers Alley
you can roll the dice until they call your bluff
but you can't win until you're not afraid to lose