Bones, I understand where you are coming from. Here is a bit more about the person from summer. He was a 169 THS book and the first words out of his mouth to me were he expects us to finish in the top 4. The league consisted of seasoned sport league teams and none of us had ever shot on a sport condition before. 90% of the time he actually talked to me was to say we had to win.
I joined the league to learn and test how far I had come in improving my attitude. In addition, evertime he made a poor shot, which was more often than not, he would start cussing about it. I did try to get the message to him that this was a learning experience and the ball does not react the same as on a THS.
My current team is in the league for the same reasons, we are there to challenge ourselves and learn. It is much more enjoyable to bowl with teammates who can have fun win or lose. That does not mean we like to lose, but we can take our lumps and keep smiling. I look forward to coming to league even though I know the shot will be tough and the scores may not be so great. Also the money in the league is set up so that the difference between 1st and last is not huge.
When I was getting discouraged, it wasn't them being cheerleaders as much as being supportive. All they said was you'll come back. One of the guys noted I didn't seem to be coming out of the ball (Blue Hammer) the same as the other ball (PDW). As a result, I went back to the PDW and pulled out my best game of the night. Without the conversation, I may not have made the switch as quickly and wasted a few more frames.
Bottom line is I put a ton of pressure on myself to perform well on the lanes. I do not need a team that puts on addition pressure or has a poor attitude. I have worked hard on improving my attitude and don't want to revert back to the poor attitude period of my bowling life.
Sorry if this is a bit scattered, but it is late

It's not that life is too
short. It's that you are dead

for sooooo