Just some more fuel for the fire.
MYTH: It is harder for a higher-average team to win because the lower-average team gets so many pins
BUSTED: As shown below, when both teams bowl their exact averages, the higher-average team always wins unless
the handicap is 100% then the teams tie.
You must always look at the difference in averages as well as handicap. In the table the higher-average team total is 73% or
223 pins higher than the lower-average team.
See the charts and stuff here.
http://www.sblnyc.com/downloads/files/handicaps.pdfAlso heres-THE FACTS ABOUT HANDICAPS.pdf
http://home.earthlink.net/~litefrozen/downloads/THEFACTSABOUTHANDICAPS.pdfBut isn’t it a fact that when 75 % handicap is used, the higher average team is giving its
lesser competitor 75% of the difference in team averages when they bowl against each
FACT: True! But what of that other 25%? That is the real handicap, and it is given by the
weaker team, to the stronger one! (The same “reverse handicap†situation is true at any figure
less than 100%, which is why it is not until the handicap reaches 85% that lower average teams
can win at all.)
Edited on 4/28/2010 10:15 PM