We (wife and me) joined a summer league with a goal of using it to work on improving various things for when our Fall league starts. So far so good. HOWEVER, the shot is very inconsistant, as is the amount of oil they put down. But last night they really outdid themselves. On our pair, one lane was absolutely bone dry, and the other had some oil but had a lot of carrydown and it was spread out from open bowling. I was playing the dry lane standing 25 boards further left than the right lane, playing a big sweeping arc with rollout to the pins. It sucked!!! Shot 128, 172, 210, as I was totally lost the first game (I was averaging 205 before last night. It turns out they are oiling half the lanes one day, and the other half the next day, and our pair must have been the stopping point. Ok, rant off.