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Author Topic: Team woes  (Read 1116 times)


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Team woes
« on: October 14, 2004, 08:19:31 AM »
I've mentioned some of this before, but it's really beginning to get to me.  My team sucks.  Pure and simple.  Let me go thru it player by player.  (Be mindful that the shot is more difficult than these folks are used to and that I may have too high an expectation for them.)

1 - the girl: about 90 pounds, but throws a 15 pounder with good speed.  Terrible release and roll, only seems to know one area to play.  Averaged about 165 last year, now around 130.

2 - the captain: uses one ball that's 15 years old, thinks that he moves now and then, but doesn't.  Last year averaged about 185, this year around 150.

3 - the plumber: another little person, maybe 135 pounds, throws a Sumo mostly, very high (24+ mph I'd guess) speed, can only play second arrow (like the first 2), claimed to average 180 when we picked him up - does well to average 155.

4 - the drunk:  always late, usually well over the two drink minimum.  Bowls like a no thumber except he has his hand in the ball.  Needs from the ditch to 3d arrow to score usually, though he can shoot numbers from time to time.  Last year averaged about 190, now about 170.

I'm getting fed up with it.  I show up and no one else is there until 2 minutes to lights on.  I get the feeling that, despite protestations to the contrary, that no one is really trying.  I offer advice, when asked, about where to play the shot - no one seems capable of getting it right; in fact, no one really ever moves, even when they say the will/have.  Now don't get me wrong, I've been very erratic this year also (low 5 one week, 699 the next), but I am averaging 196 or so (yes, down some, but close) and I do know how to play the shot and am trying to do so.  You see, I like to win.  This team at one time did win.  In fact we structure our beer frames so that you have to get stuck 3 times; this is a holdover from when we used to throw a LOT of strikes.  What do I do folks?
"Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,"
I'm Ragnar Floggurass, and I approve this message
Wyrd bið ful aræd!
(Thought to be a member of something called the PMS club by some.)



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Re: Team woes
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2004, 04:33:49 PM »
In that crapshoot they call leagues, sometimes you get a real winner of a team.  You might just have to wait it out till season end (yuk but you ain't the first that's had to do it.)

Options (such as they are):
1. To get them excited about shooting again, try to arrange a group lesson with the local proshop.  From your description of their arsenals(!) you  might get the a group deal because it could generate a couple ball sales.  Downside it would cost some $ but then, how miserable are you?
2.  Offer a free ball (NIB, used, whatever you can get your hands on) to the person who increases their average the most starting NOW.  
3.  Relax, lay back and enjoy it.  These guys aren't competitors so treat it as a social night out.  
4.  In frame 3 of the next game, grab your hammie and flop around on the approach.  Go on IR for the season.

Downsides to all these suggestions, but maybe you can make something work.  Good luck...

Yes, I urinate on my doesn't give me better reaction or make my hands tougher.  It just makes me feel better.

Edited on 10/14/2004 4:54 PM


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Re: Team woes
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2004, 05:38:22 PM »
I can feel some of your pain.  I got picked up for a men's this year in a very competitive league. Needless to say my teamates avgs rage from 130-150.  Avg for league is in 180's.  So I can relate in all aspects.  Everyweek atleast 1 is late or is a no show/no call!!!
"To bowl or not to bowl that is the question"


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Re: Team woes
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2004, 05:47:37 PM »
I feel your pain as well.
I got picked up a few years ago on a team of "shrug - oh, well. I came close to my average" bowlers. I'm a competitor. The teammates were VERY nice people - don't misunderstand. But they just werent' competitive.
I changed teams 4 years ago. They were upset for a few weeks, but then they realized that both they and I were happier, and now everything's just dandy.

Sometimes, you just gotta tough it out. OR, you could leave that league, and move to another one... OR, you could try to motivate them somehow. OR maybe you could set up a handicap pot for just the team - something like a quarter a game, quarter a series. Surprising how important those quarters can seem!
If winning isn't important,
why do they keep score?
Vince Lombardi
We Know What Bowlers Want

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Re: Team woes
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2004, 06:04:12 PM »
I had a team like that once for two seasons in a row.  Three weeks into the new and third season, I told them how I felt and that I thought they should clean it up.  They all laughed at me and asked if I thought I was too good for the team.  I said yes and walked out.  I come to play, not screw off.  They all said that they too were there to win games and take it seriously.  I guess they weren't as into it as they thought.  Now, this may be to the extreme and I'm not saying that you should quit them Rags, but it's just what I did when in a similar situation.  I just didn't feel like paying league fees night after night just to lose games.  What should you do?  Maybe invite them out to have a martini and discuss the issues at hand on a non-bowling night first and see where that goes.
Evolutionary.  Revolutionary.


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Re: Team woes
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2004, 06:10:21 PM »
I can empathize with you.  I quit most of my ladies leagues for the same reason (except no one drank).  On my mixed league team, three of the four of us are very competitive.  Our lowest average bowler never hurts us because she doesn't stray too far downward from her average.  I'd rather bowl with my children, for the most part.

RIP Thong Princess and Sawbones


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Re: Team woes
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2004, 06:43:44 PM »
Man O Man Rags!  I know what your going through
as well. I bowled on a team for 3 years and the
team was mediocre at best. We had Me who averaged
in the 190's, My father who averaged in the 180's
A friend of my dads who averaged in the 200's and
then we come to my best friend who averaged no
more then a 156 ever. This guy would walk into
the lanes with an attitude. He would get up in
the first frame of the first game and throw the
ball around 20mph, straight. It wouldve been
fine if we could get him to move right. Hes a
right hander standing left of center throwing
at the 1-3 pocket and wonders why he doesnt carry
anything. We would tell him to move right about
10 to 15 boards. He would for 1 shot and hit the
pocket perfect and leave a ringing ten pin and
then all he// would break loose. He would start
F bombing like crazy and say i knew i shouldve just
stayed home and throw his hat for a ride. A real
downer for the team. So i told my teammates at the
end of last year that i dont want him on the team
anymore and they agreed. So i just flat out told
him that we were tired of his attitude and tired
of him not taking the game serious so next year
we are going to get someone that wants to bowl. He
was upset but at the same time he understood. So
this year we got a buddie of mine who is averaging
in the 190's. Because of the positive attitude it
has brought all our averages up. Mine went from 193
to 205, My dads went from 187 to a whopping 199, My
dads buddy has gone from 202 to 206. We are at the
top of our league and we have a great time now.
"Life Is Like A Coin. You Can Spend It Any Way You Wish, But You Only Spend It Once"............Lillian Dickson
" Second Is Only The First Loser "


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Re: Team woes
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2004, 11:17:53 AM »
Bones said  
use the nite to work on weaknesses ( if you have any)

Bones, We don't bowl nearly enough games for me to work on everything.
"Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,"
I'm Ragnar Floggurass, and I approve this message
Wyrd bið ful aræd!
(Thought to be a member of something called the PMS club by some.)


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Re: Team woes
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2004, 11:44:27 AM »
My team hasn't won a point in almost 4 weeks!!  It's not that we're not trying, it's just been a funky year so far....Our anchor missed the first week plus the first game of the 2nd week as a no show -- his usual 200+ average is down to 175, which should be good for us, but he's not consistent this year (for ex. 268-138-235) and now he's on vacation for 6 weeks!!  Our ringer sub for our anchor, another 200+ avg. put up a HUGE 169-162-181 set Wednesday night.  Can't complain there though -- he stuck on the approach big time and d*mn near broke a leg.  Took a few frames to get that out of his head!!  It's the same on down the line -- everyone but me is off their avg. by at least 10 pins.  Fortunately, my avg. is UP 10 pins, but it ain't helpin'!!  I attribute my improvement to joining in on their wagering and it's keeping me focused on my spares and taking my mind off the bowling when I need a little break.  We're having a blast though!!  

Edited on 10/15/2004 11:36 AM