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Author Topic: teammate helps teammate shoot 300 wow  (Read 980 times)


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teammate helps teammate shoot 300 wow
« on: April 22, 2009, 04:04:13 AM »
In league last night at Amf Southshore Lanes in alameda calif. I witnessed the funniest thing I'd ever seen. Here's the situation the guy on the string his name is Willie and he is really drunk. Its the 3rd game they say he almost drunk before league started, anyway Willie falls out of his shot and regularly, and more so when hes drunk. well Willie has the front 8 and everyone else is finished and Willie is a crowd favorite, not because of his bowling skill but because Willie is the nicest guy youd ever want to meet. Every league has that guy in the league. Anyway his teammate Steve Kuykendall is standing rigt behind Willie just off the approach rooting him on. Willie step up in the ninth and delivers a beauty and start to lose his balance, he at the line flailing his arms trying to recover his balance and out of nowhere like a super hero here come Steve he grabs Willie around his waist and pulls him back saving the game and the bowling alley goes WILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Now the entire leauge is down on lanes 9 and 10 trying to see whats going to happen will Willie do, will he pull it off or will he stay on his feet When Willie steps on on the approach you would of tougjt you were at a funeral it was that quiet. The guy threw the first 2 in the tenth and the stage was set. the last ball he threw was high flush and the roar of the leaue was increasing as the ball entered the pin deck only to leave a stone seven pin that miraculously just gave up and fell in slow motion and the crowd went wild. This was indeed the nicest 300 Id seen in a lomg time. I love this game. I wish I'd had my video camera it was wonderful.