Sorry gang been traveling around and just came to check the forums.
In answer to your questions. Added length only occurs with some people and that all depends on bowling ball and bowling styles. If your speed is greater than your rev rate you will tend to see added length and high tilt will often times do the same.
Increase in length is often times a foot or two. If you take the cover down a notch you will be in the same ballpark and handle the carry down condition much better.
As to the difference in coverstocks. Shiny covers tend to see a stronger reaction off the dry and dull covers often have stronger finish and less deflection. This is what I have experienced and have seen with other bowlers and this is often what is reported to me.
My personal take is that if you apply the Elixir and don't like what it does, it can be removed with a light resurface. Secondly if it makes that much difference and have a loss of control, than you often times have a ball that is too sensitive for the condition.
It is all about matching up. The Elixir is just made to help a protect the coverstock from premature wear. If you start from day one with the Elixir you cannot have any preconceived notions on what the ball will do.
I myself like all covers with a bit of surface as this makes the ball less skid snap and helps create a smoother transition. By the way I am not that great of a bowler.
I have used this on the carbide bomb and the super carbide too. I did not notice a change in reaction but I did notice that my shot held up longer than usual.
Strider and Nicanor have what I would say is the typical reactions of all bowlers. The squirty reaction is often times the stored up energy and the strong snap from the ball because of not picking up too much oil. This is why even a 1500 or 2000 matte finish will help. Still have length but smoother on the transition.
Remember if you don't like the reaction you can always take off the Elixir with a light resurface.
I think the effectiveness of having a ball last longer outweighs a little surface prep to get the ball working right.
Feel free to message me on any concerns and I will help out as much as I can.
Owner and Inventor of
DOC'S MAGIC BOWLING BALL ELIXIR For more information click on the link below message me at: