Hey guys, was wondering if any of you have made a trip to Vegas to bowl this tournament. Format is kinda similar to the Mini-Eliminator with a bunch of 2nd chance tournaments and stuff like that. Looks like they have some great sponsors like Continental airlines, buddies pro shop, enterprise rent-a-car, ebonite, etc...
Event is February 5-12, 2005 at The Texas Station in Las Vegas Nevada
1st $20,000
2nd $15,000
3rd $10,000
4th $5,000
$450 for Making Finals(minimum)
Is what the prize fund says.
Also additional 6 Chance tournaments
Only thing that confuses me is how many squads/sweepers there are and the flyers and website always look so busy and confusing. Anyways, has anyone ever bowled this event? Any kind of input is appreciated!
Here's the link and tell me what you guys think of it,
http://www.trueamateurtournaments.comThanks guys and gals,
Ramil Torres
S.F. Bay Area, California