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Author Topic: Tell me what you think about this situation  (Read 1675 times)


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Tell me what you think about this situation
« on: March 31, 2009, 09:46:50 AM »
I bowl in a couples league every other week with my wife and her parents.  We have bowled together for 7 years now.  We have taken 1st place 3 times and 2nd 3 times and are now locked in for second this year.  Here is my question for everyone in the bowling community.  We have always been treated differently where only a couple of teams like us in the league which I don't care.  We have been accused of taking the couples league to serious which I don't see that either.  I am a scratch bowler and always take my bowling serious my father in law averages 189 this year is doing great and my wife and her mom average around 120.

Now here is my question the 1st place team in the league has one member who is the manager of the center.  Last week was the last regular night and we were 8 points out of 1st.  The managers team happened to be paired up with the owner of the bowling centers team which was an important night because position round is this week.  As we were bowling I looked down and what I saw really disturbed me as I seen the owner of the center and another team mate of his bowling left handed (They are both right handed bowlers.)  The managers team ended up winning all 7 points locking us out by 1 point if we won all points this week.  Now I don't really care because of the fact we are not bowling there anymore but I really hate to see a series given away like that for my family that is bowling with me.  This is a sanctioned handicapped league is this illegal?  I thought you could not switch hands for a handicapped sanctioned league without approval.  Should I do something about this even though I will probably never be welcomed back into this center?

Sorry for the long venting but just want to know opinions of fellow bowling community members.  By the way the difference between pay is about 1st each bowler get about 90.00 and 2nd each bowler gets about 80.00 but I think it was unethical.

Derek Trowbridge
900 Global:No oil pattern we can''t tame



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Re: Tell me what you think about this situation
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2009, 05:56:46 PM »
I believe if you establish your average with your right hand you have to bowl with your right hand. If you choose to bowl with your left hand you need to establish another average and can not use your right handed average.  This would be sandbagging in my opinion.  And would be unethical for sure.. especially if he was doing it so the other team sewed up first place.

16-17 mph,350 rpm,PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8up, HighGame 300 x 3, High Series 782
Book Average 215 / 205,PBA Xperience ave180

Edited on 3/31/2009 5:57 PM
350 RPM, 17 MPH


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Re: Tell me what you think about this situation
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2009, 06:35:07 PM »
Each ball thrown with the opposite hand is an illegal delivery and should be scored as 0.

From the rule book.
4c. Mechanical Aids to Grip the Ball — Alternating Delivery
A player may, if granted permission by USBC Headquarters and each league or tournament in which the
player participates, alternate right/left-handed delivery and/or use special equipment to aid in grasping and
delivering the ball.
1. Unless the individual is unable to impart force or impetus to a ball, the aid cannot incorporate a mechanical
device with moving parts that would impart force or impetus to the ball.
USBC Playing Rules and Commonly Asked Questions
18 – Chapter 2: General Playing Rules
2. Permission may be granted if the following is submitted to USBC Headquarters:
a. A doctor’s certificate describing the disability and the reason to alternate right/left-handed
delivery and/or recommending the aid.
b. A description, drawing or model of the aid (only for mechanical aid).
When authorization is given, USBC Headquarters will provide the player with a special card stating that
alternating right/left-handed delivery and/or the use of the specified mechanical aid has been approved.
If permission is denied, the player has the right of appeal to the USBC Legal Committee. Permission may
be withdrawn for cause.


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Re: Tell me what you think about this situation
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2009, 06:52:56 PM »
That is the problem I know the rule that you get 0 for every frame but for him in this situation it would be a plus.  He was trying to lose so his employee's team would rap up 1st.  To add to this they lost the 2nd game by 4 pins when the owner we 5 split throwing the ball left handed.
Derek Trowbridge
900 Global:No oil pattern we can't tame


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Re: Tell me what you think about this situation
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2009, 07:01:34 PM »
We had a similar situation where some bowlers were trying to make cap on a tournament.

They bowled 2 handed, wrong handed, between the legs, with 6 lb house balls. They did it subbing on a team which was bowling against their that their friends (my former teammates after a falling out where verbal threats were issued against me and my family) could win the league. They also, as mentioned above, were trying to fit cap for a tournament. Both of these people were 200+ average bowlers. Neither shot 300 for series. They both shot 270-290 series.

I talked to the league coordinator and she did not count their scores. They were P*SSED OFF.

I would tell someone. I wouldn't stand for it based on moral principle. When they accuse it for being over the $10 difference in pay, take a $10 out of your wallet and give it to them. Tell them they can shove their money up their arses.
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Re: Tell me what you think about this situation
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2009, 07:08:35 PM »
That is the problem I know the rule that you get 0 for every frame but for him in this situation it would be a plus.  He was trying to lose so his employee's team would rap up 1st.  To add to this they lost the 2nd game by 4 pins when the owner we 5 split throwing the ball left handed.
Derek Trowbridge
900 Global:No oil pattern we can't tame

Both teams should be disqualified for cheating. But, barring that as an option, I would say that the scores should not be counted for the people who bowled with the wrong hand, and that the 'blind' scores should be used...however your league does that. Some leagues use the ten pin drop rule, some leagues make you shoot within 10 of your own average, etc.
JAT Junior Amateur Tour

Robb's Pro Shops: Bakersfield, California

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Re: Tell me what you think about this situation
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2009, 07:21:32 PM »
Just tell as many people as you can that bowls there. Im sure they will lose some clients over thier pettiness.


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Re: Tell me what you think about this situation
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2009, 08:08:49 PM »
That's the hard part for a good bowler.  There's no place for you to just have fun bowling anymore.  You either have to bowl competitive leagues, or you get looked at as some monster that just likes to beat up the cappers in a fun league - despite all you really want is to have an evening having fun bowling with your family.  It's too bad that some people have to be such douchebags, but there always seems to be at least one team of them to ruin it for you.  I've seen it everywhere I've bowled or centers I've worked in.

You can't control others.  I think, since you have seen the true colors of these people and don't plan to patronize their establishment anymore, that pursuing it any further is a waste of your time and energy.  Just let it go and move on.  Sure, they'll think they won and that they ran off the big bad team, but odds are they'll wind up alienating the rest of their clientele with their pettiness and others will follow your lead and leave.  I've seen that happen too.  Besides, why care what a few petty douchebags think about you?


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Re: Tell me what you think about this situation
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2009, 12:15:59 PM »
Inform the Regional manager.  Let him know that center has lost your business and the business of other bowlers because of that Center's managers unethical practices.