have it in wrists (injured playing softball - acute tendonitis in right wrist last year, tendonitis in left this year). Had cortisone shot, wrist brace/splint and 6 weeks of therapy after season last year (right) and still experience pain every now and then (moreso when it's about to rain). Left wrist isn't as severe but hurts more often (especially when playing softball - glove hand and bottom hand on bat). Will get left wrist taken care of after this season.
Bowling is fine with right hand. As stated, only hurts during bad weather, otherwise okay. Have to maintain flexibility.
Right wrist was swollen during final 2 months of last season. Took painkillers, wrapped tightly and played. Ice down afterwards. First thing I asked the hand specialist.... Can I still bowl? ..

Was able to do so, but couldn't flip the ball like I normally could (guess it was a blessing in disguise as I learned to relax and throw

Depending on the severity of the injury, I'd definitely say (if it isn't bad), take some time off and give it a chance to heal. Otherwise, get it checked.
one more thing, wrist brace at the drug store should help immobilize it (mine resembled an old school Robby's), but it takes time.. especially if it's tendonitis!
Hustle (Me) and Flow (Sixcranker)
Proud member of the Track Revolution - EMERITUS & Hitman
"If you teach someone to think they're thinking, they will love you. If you teach someone to think, they will hate you!!!"
Edited on 7/23/2008 6:53 PM