Awhile back I had posted a topic about a possible span change based on right ring finger pain that I had last year and at the start of this year.
After talking with my pro shop operator,we remeasured everything and came up with my span being almost 1/4" long. To make a long story short, I got a ball and it was set up with this new span----1/4" shorter. Throwing it in league on Wednesday was a pleasant surprise. The ball almost fell off my hand and I found I could really relax and watch and learn with this new ball. A 607 was the result,and considering that this was a span change and a new ball to me I am a happy camper. My question is this....Will redrilling and moving the thumbs in my arsenal to make up the difference affect the weights in the ball?

? And how much?

?? Thanks in advance for all replies.............
Lane#1--nothing else hits like 'em.