Our own RPM MAX, Billy Nimick, from Northern Ireland has won the Gold Medal in the Men's singles and the Silver medal in Men's doubles in the Commonwealth Tenpin Bowling Championships 2005.
http://www.cbf.com.cy/cgibin/hweb?-A=283&-V=medals&_VCATEGORY=0000The Commonwealth tournament was held in Cyprus and included bowlers from Australia (AUS), Bahamas (BHS), Canada (CAN), Cyprus (CYP), England (ENG), Gibraltar (GIB), Guernsey (GUE), India (IND), Isle of Man (IOM), Jersey (JER), Malaysia (MAS), Malta (MLT), Northern Ireland (NIR), Scotland (SCO), Singapore (SGP), and Wales (WAL).
Congratulations, Billy!!
If anyone thinks that this was easy just because it didn't take place in the USA, think again. The conditions were set up by Kegel and included 3 different oil patterns, including a short oil and a long oil pattern. Not exactly trivial.