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Author Topic: Texas State Tourney  (Read 1048 times)


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Texas State Tourney
« on: April 30, 2011, 04:14:08 AM »
Bowled team event today at Euless Lanes on the very end pair, 51-52. What a draw.


First of all, both of our teams are stacked and have PBA members on them. Our team had DJ Archer and our companion team had Dino Castillo and Tyson Branagan. Needless to say, we were pretty well off.


Lanes started out hooking from outside 5 and inside 5 was slick so a lot of over/under for everyone unless you could play deep and come around the pattern. With the power players we had, it was going to be interesting to see how the lanes transitioned.


Game 1 started and i started with my Bank solid playing 12-7 and was giving me a good read but couldnt get 10pins out, shot 201. Moved inside more and switched to my Cruel LE for second game. Bad move.


What i got was a good read but inconsistent roll and bad hits. While i was clean, i shot 216. Switched to my Radical Slant for the 3rd game.


I should have started out with this ball. Nice smooth roll but still couldnt wiggle 10pin enough to make a big game out of it to save my 700. I had a good look and shot 236. So 653 for team event.


As for the others on our pair, Dino shot highest, 300-763. DJ shot 691, and Tyson shot 617. As far as team scores, our team shot 3362, which is around 6th or 7th right now and the other team shot 3433 which is around 3rd or 4th. Leader is at 3641.


Tomorrow is at Forum Bowl in Grand Prairie for doubles/singles. With this being my first Texas statetourney since i moved here, i was pretty shocked the lanes had that much play, or area in them. Wish us luck tomorrow!!!

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