It is a tad late, but on behalf of the Amherst Vol. Firemen in NY, and particularly Main-Transit Fire Dept., I want to thank BallReviews for being a sponsor of the 46th Annual Tournament.
In regards to this, it was Scott who approached myself in being a sponsor. It was also offered to allow all bowlers to use a predetermined set from the tournament to get into the on-line tournaments. I do not know if anyone took advantage of that (they did of course have to pay entry fee), but it was also good marketing for BallReviews.
So, to Scott, Thanks!
To whoever the new ownership is, it may be wise to see what works, and doesn't, poll the "regulars" for opinions, and make any changes accordingly. This site was built upon a strong base of regulars, and if you don't maintain that, what you "bought" will be a "ghost site" unfortunately.
But those are just my 2 cents from a former national marketing director.
The Older We Get, The Better We Were