So, today was the adult/jr. doubles JAT.
I didn't have a partner for this event because all 3 of the people I originally had lined up (yes, I went 3 deep, just in case) ended up with something to do...apparently 3 deep isn't enough.
So I posted a forum on here, and Nicanor was nice enough to come up from San Diego to bowl with me!
For 5 games, he went +24...and I went (ashamedly) -90. Terrible set. Started the first three games at 478. Didn't even shoot 5. Bowled my worst game (137) of the entire season so far, and by FAR my worst series. Just a terrible day.
BUT! I figured out what I've been doing wrong for the last few months. Firstly, I haven't been bowling 50-100 games a week like I was, because I can't afford it. Secondly, I've lost that fire. I see a lot of people talking about Pete Weber's lack of intensity being what killed him. After that 478, I started the adrenaline flowing a little...making a little noise at the foul line, putting the intensity back into it. Game 4: didn't miss the pocket. Every shot flush...but I had 5 or 6 taps and it was only a 220-something. Game 5 I had a couple bad shots, but I think they were all shots I got a little complacent on.
Sure, I've been hitting my mark, throwing decent shots, having a decent spare percentage, but I've just been going through the motions with bowling lately. Not sure why, but now that I figured out the problem, I think I can get back on track.
Thanks, Nicanor for coming up to bowl with me! I had a lot of fun and I learned plenty. Nice guy, great bowler. (And, like the rest of us, it seems he's quite the ball collector!

JAT Junior Amateur Tour
Robb''s Pro Shops: Bakersfield, California
Rob Stone Supporters of America!