Well, I was on a hot streak tonight. So close to getting my first 300. This happened in my 2nd game tonight where I doubled, 9/ (solid 10 pin), then thew 9 in a row for a 279, which matches my highest game to date. However, then throwing a turkey to start my 3rd game is what landed me the Varipapa 300. If I could have only had the 3rd frame back where I left the solid 10 pin...
Overall, it was a solid night for just the second week of the season. 236-279-225 for a 740. The balls of choice were the Outlaw (first 9 frames of game 1), Frantic (all of game 2 except the last fill ball in the 10th), and then opened the lanes up more with the Critical Theory in game 3 since I wanted to get more into the oil.
So with that being said, how many have ended up with the Andy Varipapa 300?