Is it the "easier" conditions being put down, or is it that the shot is now more consistent?
I understand the whole "higher scores = happier bowlers = more bowlers = more money" concept, but is that what is happening?
Most of the complaints that I hear is when the center changes up the shot. "Hey, it's oilier than last week" or "guess they didn't put down any oil this week" and the people are usually upset because they didn't bother to bring another ball.
I don't know how many times I've gotten used to the conditions and decided not to bring 4 balls (usually leave 2 in the trunk, but have 2 different cars, so sometimes I don't move all 4 from 1 car to the next) and get to the center to find out I really could have used those other 2 balls.
My main center is pretty good about putting out a fresh shot for leagues. Still, I find that I actually bowl better on broken down conditions - love bowling on Saturday afternoons after all the kids have torn up the lanes!