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Author Topic: The Big Decision  (Read 829 times)


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The Big Decision
« on: August 13, 2008, 02:41:41 AM »
It's been roughly a full year since I've started bowling "seriously" (no leagues, but a lot of bowling with friends..buying my own ball..researching the sport..etc). I'm headed off to college (Carneig Mellon University) this Saturday and eventually plan on joining the Intramural team.

So here's the problem...I still knuckle the ball. I've tried tape, I've tried the Magic Carpet, nothing seemed to work. I would still knuckle the ball, my release would be atrocious because my thumb wouldn't come out, and I'd cause myself injury in the process.

Here's where a decision comes into play. I'm going bowling this Thursday with my friends, and I'm debating going to the pro-shop tonight and getting a new, smaller, thumb slug put in that would FORCE me to get used to a tight thumb hole. The other option is waiting until college, where I'd likely meet more knowledgable bowlers, possibly even a coach, and working out the problem with them. However, this option means that until that time comes, I'm still knuckling the ball, continuing a bad habit. What do you guys think?



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Re: The Big Decision
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2008, 11:49:42 AM »
Find a coach, if you can't find one at college, search's database, espicially since you're kind of new to the sport, and know you have problems and willing to learn, YOU MUST FIND A COACH.  Check with local centers to maybe get recommendations as well.
Wes Dye

Suburban Lanes Youth League Director/Head Coach

Suburban Lanes Pro Shop/Manager
Bloomington, Indiana (also msn messenger name, give me a shout)

Indiana University Bowling


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Re: The Big Decision
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2008, 11:53:33 AM »
I will likely find a coach at college, whether I'm on the team or not. However, I'm still unsure whether or not to try and solve my knuckling problem now, as opposed to later.


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Re: The Big Decision
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2008, 12:11:55 PM »
I would suggest going to a reputable shop in your area(not all pro shops are created equal).  

My assumption would be that u have too much reverse pitch in your thumb.  No matter how small the hole is....if the pitch pulls u out of the ball, u have to knuckle it to hold on.

Have your pitch checked, & have fun.



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Re: The Big Decision
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2008, 12:15:16 PM »
That's interesting, because I was actually thinking of increasing my reverse pitch to see if my thumb would be able to get out easier when I tighten up my thumb hole. However, now that I think about it, reverse pitch could be pulling thumb out. Hmm...