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Author Topic: The Book, installment 1.  (Read 1183 times)

matt smith

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The Book, installment 1.
« on: December 23, 2003, 02:16:59 AM »
I know its been a long time coming, and to be honest i still havnt finished what i call a chapter. But i had SO much trouble starting the damn thing, just couldnt get it how i wanted it. To be honest i still dont know if i have. Its not much, but ill post up what ive done. Some ideas, some CONSTRUCTIVE critisism on my writing style, keeping in mind i was but a average student in english class at high school.

Anyway, here it is.
good luck and high scoring

Nice balance, good timing, caught it a little too much though. Damn, another nose breaker. I’m in for it now.

“That’s not good enough Drew. Shots like that aren’t going to win you titles, hell you won’t even beet Corey bloody Davis with that crap. C’mon man I know your better then that.”

“Another few games down there boys?”
“Yea, please, if you wouldn’t mind Jason.”

Meet my coach, Tim Thompson, and the owner of my local bowl Jason Gillmon. Great blokes, the type of guys you need behind you when you want to make it to the big time like I do. Tim knows how to switch me on like no other coach has before, and Jason, well he’s the guy who puts down the tough conditions for me to practice on, and lets me bowl for next to nothing.

“6 games in, and your averaging 196, if this were a tournament you would have an uphill battle to make cut from here, you realise that don’t you? Are you going to start trying now or what?”
“Yea, alright, sorry my mind hasn’t been on song this afternoon, ill concentrate.”
“Good cause I don’t want you to waste anymore of my time”


“Mum, Dad, I’m home.”
“How was school son?”
“Boring, the usual, I went down to the bowl, Tim says hi.”
“And how did you bowl?”

Mums always the first to ask that, she takes more interest in my bowling then dad, he always wanted me to play basketball.

“Not too bad I guess, have to do better this weekend if I want to cut though.”
“Just don’t forget about your school work ok drew?”
“Yeah mum I know, I won’t.”


Finally the day has arrived. There is a regional being held this weekend, and its at Concorde Lanes, about 45 minutes drive from where I live. This is my first attempt at a regional in a while, time to find out if I’m good enough. With the format of the regionals the same as the PBA it gives everyone a great stepping stone into the big time. Tim came with me this weekend, he always manages to sleep in the car, no matter how long or short the trip. Were here.

“Tim, wake up mate, were here!”
“Huh? Oh, ok then, good stuff. You uh… get ure gear inside, ill be in soon.”

Wow, look at all the bowlers here. There must be 300 people in the centre, not all of them are bowlers, but that’s still a fair size crowd. Mike Haugen, Brian Kretzer, Chris Johnson, Brad Angelo… Wow, ill be up against it today. Finally, Tim’s dragged himself out of the car, and has come inside.

“So Drew, what’s the format today?”
“8 games qualifying then cut to the top 32. Then everyone goes into a bracket and its elimination from there.”
“Ok, so we just want to focus on the top 32 for the moment. It doesn’t matter where you qualify, just so long as you do.”
“That’s the idea, hold up their calling for everyone to check-in, ill be back in a second.”


“Ok, not too bad Drew. 895 for 4 puts you in about 17th place. But its close, your only 70 in front of 32nd, and only 90 behind first, so don’t let your guard down.”
“All under control Timmy, hows Corey doing?”
“Don’t concern yourself with him, concentrate on your own game.”

He said that with a wink and a huge smile, I guess that means Corey is doing so well. But there are 4 games to go. With a nod to Tim, I walked back down to the lanes to take my shot.

Edited on 12/23/2003 6:17 PM
m/ Viva La Metal Militia!! m/



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Re: The Book, installment 1.
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2003, 03:42:36 AM »

I am Canadian Dude! GOO BIG FIN!!! MIKA K ALL THE WAY!
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec-Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
Keep them honest!

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Re: The Book, installment 1.
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2003, 07:40:09 AM »


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Re: The Book, installment 1.
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2003, 10:29:10 AM »
Not bad at all, a good read.

But, if you dont mind an opinion, I would like to know a little bit of detail about the games that were bowled, mistakes that were made and how you overcame them. Maybe what the oil pattern was and what equipment was used and the lines being played would be helpful too.

Just My Opinion Though!!

"I am the most consistent bowler in my house....

I consistently SUCK!!"

matt smith

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Re: The Book, installment 1.
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2003, 04:14:11 PM »
A timely sugestion rock, cause thats whats coming in the next part of the book. Someone suggest a condition for me, and what they think it would be like after 4 games, and it shall be done.

good luck and high scoring
m/ Viva La Metal Militia!! m/


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Re: The Book, installment 1.
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2003, 04:28:05 PM »
Everything I EXPECTED! GREAT START .. got ME interested already!
Hit them light and watch them fight
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