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Author Topic: And now presenting TheBowlingKid25's VIDEOS!!!! Oh me oh my!  (Read 1833 times)


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And now presenting TheBowlingKid25's VIDEOS!!!! Oh me oh my!
« on: March 07, 2005, 12:08:47 PM »
56K warning. JUST in case, not exactly sure how big it is.

OK guys, here they are. I had to get bobmatt to edit for me because my computer is being gay and freezes when I use movie maker. So the first one....him and AK came up with some "funny" ideas...might as well post it.

Here is the REAL video though. (same thing just without the goofy crap)

Again, I know my style is horrid. What shall I work on? Oh and just so you know, I believe it is the 2nd shot that is my "smooth" shot with less revs and less muscle.

Ball: Chrome Yellow Power Groove. Pin over bridge stacked.
Lanes: DRY. First shot I'm standing on about 35, last shot (with me in view) I'm on 40.
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!

Nothing more to be said.

Edited on 3/7/2005 9:07 PM



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Re: And now presenting TheBowlingKid25's VIDEOS!!!! Oh me oh my!
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2005, 08:52:18 PM »
You look a lot smoother in this vid overall compared to the last vid of yours I watched.

Lifes a GAME . . . Bowling is SERIOUS!