The problem with carry contests is that so much depends on when you don’t carry.
You can take a game where 10 strikes are thrown and all the spares made and come up with varying scores.
9-spare, 10 bagger, 9 fill gets you a 289.
9-spare, 9-spare, 10 bagger gets you a 279.
9-spare, strike, 9-spare, 9 bagger gets a 270.
Double, 9-spare, 9-spare, 8 bagger gets a 268.
Double, 9-spare, strike, 9-spare, 7 bagger gets a 259.
Double, 9-spare, double, 9-spare, 6 bagger gets a 258.
All the shots can be equally well thrown but the position of the non-carry shots makes up to 31 pins difference in score.