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Author Topic: The continuing saga of the comeback...  (Read 743 times)


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The continuing saga of the comeback...
« on: February 12, 2004, 09:33:47 PM »
Well, I've now bowled in league play for 4 weeks and the average is still hovering around 170.  I am still struggling with spare conversions but not as bad.  The release is getting better but still needs some work.
Yesterday, having my first day off from work in three weeks, I headed to the lanes for a little practice.  I could tell I wasn't getting out of the bowl as cleanly as I was after getting the quicky lesson from the local pro a couple of weeks ago.  However, I still managed to score well (for me anyway) as my spare conversions were up to around 75% on the day (lately its been more like 25%-30%).  Anyway, the scores were 217-190-158-203-187-182...much better than I've been scoring in league play.
This morning, I went back to the lanes hoping to continue my good bowling...WRONG!!!  First three games were a real struggle...I couldn't find the pocket nor could I convert on my spare opportunities!  Scores go much for what I thought I had found.  
As I completed the third game, I noticed the pro who had helped me before standing their watching.  He told me I was still squeezing the ball and it was causing me to release the ball late thus making the ball go left.
Over the next few games, he helped me with the release ( it feels like I'm "dropping" the ball even though I'm not...the thumb is just coming out sooner and the ball is staying on my fingers longer), moved my starting point on the approach (from second dot to three boards right of second dot), changed my body/shoulder position (from "square" to having my left shoulder "closed" to the foul line...this was also causing me to release the ball left of target), changed my target on the lane (was second eighth board but focusing on dots not arrows), slowed my approach down (which also slowed my ball speed), and got me lower (closer to the floor) on my release (now rolling the ball onto the lane instead of lofting it).  I know, that's a BUNCH of changes at one time, but fortunately I have the physical (and mental) ability to make these changes...especially knowing that they are going to help me in the long run (something I've learned from golf).
Well, after all these changes and getting used to it over a the few games he was helping me, I decided to roll three more games with him standing there, and both of us discussing what I was doing wrong, or right, on each shot.  First game 172...almost every shot was solid in the pocket...I left three splits that I did not convert on.  Second game, more of the same...three open frames (two of which were splits and one "user" error)...179.  The third game...after missing the pocket on the first ball and not converting the spare, I reeled off four straight solid pocket strikes...sixth frame, I left the 4-9 split after another solid, but high, pocket shot, missed the conversion...then five more strikes in a row before another ball that was like the one I threw in the first frame.  Third game score...241!!!  My highest since the "comeback" and second highest ever.
It is really amazing how the ball reacts when you do the right things.  Even though it felt like I was "dropping" the ball, I could feel the ball stay on my fingers longer and was getting much more rotation than I ever have with what felt like less effort.  That coupled with the slightly slower ball speed (due to changing my approach speed) and moving my target further outside, the ball seemed to be "sucked" into the pocket like a vacuum...a very good feeling and sight to experience.  Now I have to do these things in league play for it to matter...the comeback continues...

That which doesn't kill you will only make you stronger, that which doesn't make you stronger is a waste of time!

Edited on 2/13/2004 1:35 PM



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Re: The continuing saga of the comeback...
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2004, 02:16:18 PM »

I know exactly what you are saying about the "I found it" phrase...I know people who "find it" all the time in golf and unfortunately they "lose it" just as quickly.  

Fundamentals are the key...and that is what I am working on, especially with the release (Note to self...MUST QUIT SQUEEZING THE BALL!).  Just as with the first little lesson I had, I thought I had the release figured out but I slipped back into the same old habit, which the Pro immediately noticed today.  

After working with him on the release for a good while today (basically every shot while making other changes as well), I "found it" again, at least for a few games...even though the 172 and 179 weren't the best scores, with a little luck on a couple of good pocket shots (and a spare conversion or two) both of those games could have/would have been into the 200s as well.  He even made a comment that the 179 was the best 179 he had ever seen as far as hitting the pocket goes...I must admit, I was hitting the pocket as well as I ever have...and it was because I had "found it" even if it was for a few brief games.

As in golf, I know that I must practice a lot and work on the fundamentals and mechanics everytime before I can actually say "I found it"...once the set-up and release become more consistent (which only comes with practicing the RIGHT things), I know the scores will become more consistant and the average will improve...that is the goal.
That which doesn't kill you will only make you stronger, that which doesn't make you stronger is a waste of time!