No real need for it, and truthfully a nlend out to 3 units is probably easier than a wet dry
I find that USBC white pattern (6:1) ratio plays way easier than over walled house shot. It's more consistent, and the transition makes more sense.
Different take though and playing devils advocate; with no 3 unit rule, I think we may see houses experiment with even more drastic over walls, than we do now. For some reason, people seem to think a 15:1 puddle plays easier than a blend, which simply isn't true, unless you yank the ears off by the ball and miss by and arrow.
Agreed. High ratio or "cliffed" shots are good for fluffers or crackers, but usually very difficult for tweeners.
I wouldn’t say very difficult. Annoying, yes. Very difficult? No
Agreed. I learned to adapt to the playing field. Lower flaring balls with control it (am I showing my age?) let me stand where the dumpers play and my
average went up 20 pins.
Next time I'll have to try that. Normally for me it's a drastic case of over-under hell due to too many revs for the dirt, but not nearly enough for the oil.
Best ball I ever had for that? Stinger 2 piece pearl with a 5.5 inch pin down, small hole on pap, 2 coats of control it. Closest thing I'd have now is a Boost with lots of surface modification.