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Author Topic: The Fallacy of!  (Read 800 times)


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The Fallacy of!
« on: July 16, 2004, 11:23:18 AM »
One of my favorite questions is

"Hey how long have you been bowling?"  Or
"Hey how long have you been golfing?".

Usually it comes from someone around 19 or younger.

What usually followes your answer is some sort of mathematical calculating that goes something like this,

Hmmmm, he's been bowling 5 years and is averaging only 210, hmmmmm, now I'm only 16 and I've been bowling 2 years and I'm averaging 192 but in my first year I was averaging 142 so hmmmmm, that means I've been improving by about 25 pins a year, hmmmm, by the time I've been bowling 5 years, hmmmmm, let's see about 3 more years at 25 pins a year improvement, hmmmmmm that means I should be averaging ABOUT 267 in year 5.

This is followed with the thought, "Hmmmm, this guy at 210, SUCKS!!!!!, I'll be ahead of him by about 60 pins in three years.

This is often followed by some verbal vomit that sounds like this.
"Well I average 192 and I've only been bowling 2 years!  PAUSE.  (and he's thinking that means that 267 is not that far away.  And even if I slow down to just 15 pins a year that is AT LEAST 237, (This guy SUCKS).

The reply "SO?"  often gives you more insight in to this thought process, it is quite humurous.

Once I played golf with a babbling idiot!  Age about 35 but he had the mind of a 15 year old going in to 6th grade.

After nearing completion of a round of golf in which I had shot 36 on a strange course, he finished up with a 42.  Scuffed drives to 200, sliced about 40 yards and 3 20 foot par putts kept him from being above bogey.  

"Hey, how long have you been golfing?"  I replied about 30 years!
"Aw man, you just shot 36 and I shot 42,..... and I've only been playing 2 years!!!!"  You've been playin 30!  Aw MAN!  


PS unfortunately that's not how it works!
PPS why do I use postscripts, because that is the way my mind works, right kid!

It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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Re: The Fallacy of!
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2004, 02:40:13 AM »
My though at the ending of yaba was by the end of the summer I'm gonna have a 200 average I haven't really compared my average to someone elses give us younger bowlers a break there are alot dumber older people I get how long have you been bowling all the time I say 34 years to mess with them
A man who asks a question is a fool for 5 minutes a man that doesn't is a fool for a lifetime.