I have arrived. Not a great trip. It started with the FlyAway bus and a late arriving family who I guess though everyone should move seats to accomodate them. Followed by getting chewed out by a guy who can't read numbers. Late departure from Phoenix and a 4 hour flight with the lady next to me deciding she was entitled to take part of my seat also

and the last hour with the kid behind me getting restless and kicking the seat (he was traveling with his slightly older brother - no parents). The joys of air travel

But after an attempt to get me to pay an additional $22/day for a car with remote locking/unlocking capability and cruize control, I got one without the extra cost

Aside from periods of blinding rain, the trip from Raleigh - Durham to Winston-Salem went well. Check-in was smooth, I've had dinner and all is good.

Since the day started at 3AM on about an hour or two of sleep,

it is chill time.

Travel safe and see you all soon.
As for the Wednesday sweepers, I'll probably come and watch. The knee is better, but the flight time did not help it at all.
USBC Bronze Coach "I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07