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Author Topic: The Gathering 2008 - Roll Call  (Read 14833 times)


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The Gathering 2008 - Roll Call
« on: April 26, 2008, 03:07:47 PM »
I realize it is still about 3 months away, but I decided to start this to get an idea of who is coming and put everything together.

Details so far:

Dates Officially - Friday 7/24 - Sunday 7/27

Bowling will be at:
Creekside Lanes
1450 Trade Mart Blvd
Winston-Salem, NC 27127

Hotel most have stayed at in the past:
Extended Stay America Winston-Salem Hanes Mall Blvd
1995 Hampton Inn Ct
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
Rates $69.99 - $94.99/night


Nollster is organizing tee times at Tanglewood for Thursday. The Championship course is $37 to play all day. It's a great course with many great views of the beach!!  Looking to go off pretty early in the morning so we can get 2 rounds in. Please let him know if you are planning on playing some golf!
(copied from his post on page 3)
 Tee Times 8:20 & 8:28

Thursday afternoon some show up for bowling.

Friday Evening Scotch Doubles
Check-In 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Bowl 7:30PM

Saturday Afternoon
Bragging Rights Tournament
Time TBA

Group Dinner Time TBA
Low Entry/No Limit Poker Tournament at Striders home, also Billards & Darts & Home Brew available

For those who just cannot get enough bowling - Ron generally works with those who want his help

In the past some participants have been able to get equipment donated to give away.  If anyone has anything, post it in this thrread.

Definitely Attending
Magic Carpet & Karen - Hosts extraordinaire
ThongPrinces - Tuesday
JessN16 & Melena - Friday
Toma Tuesday(?)
Nollster Tuesday(?)
Strider & Wife
Joe Falco (The Energizer Bunny) - Friday
crazyyankee & wife
kev3inp & Diane - Thursday
williewc Friday or Saturday
SrKegler & [deleted] lefty Thursday
a_ak57 & 3 friends Thrsday
Alakazam & Jo Ann Thursday
novawagonmaster & Shannon Wednesday
janderson, Kat, j's brother & nephew(s) Friday
9cline Thursday
WillynHook, Mindy, Sharon and Josh(Mr & Mrs WyllinHook & The Chaos Twins)      
lexlefty Saturday
Andy WS
LuckyLefty Friday
Scolai and Wife Friday
*Coach Jim Saturday

Maybe Attending
Frank the Tank
lexlefty's brother & teammate
Mutilated1 & Kitten
*Big Willy Style
*T Brockette
*triggerman & 2 sons
*Spider Ball Bowler

* names from the original post * will be removed when signed on here
Golf Interest
crazyyankee & wife

If you are definitely attending or maybe attending, sign in and list when you plan to arrive.
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean

Edited on 7/18/2008 10:55 PM

Edited on 7/19/2008 2:08 PM
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

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Re: The Gathering 2008 - Roll Call
« Reply #91 on: July 20, 2008, 06:22:24 AM »
My wife would love to bowl with me, but she does not bowl in leagues...can she still participate? I don't care about winning or losing. I just want to be able to share my time with her
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swerve~

You're a good husband, Jon. Possibly as well trained as I am.
Everyone can participate, league membership isn't required.  Without an established average I think you bowl scratch in the Scotch doubles, but it's a lot of fun anyway. We're so looking forward to this trip, seeing old friends and making new ones.

  Read my bowling radio reviews at


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Re: The Gathering 2008 - Roll Call
« Reply #92 on: July 20, 2008, 07:26:01 AM »
My wife would love to bowl with me, but she does not bowl in leagues...can she still participate? I don't care about winning or losing. I just want to be able to share my time with her
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swerve~

You're a good husband, Jon. Possibly as well trained as I am.

  Read my bowling radio reviews at

No training about it, my friend. I'm one of the few who does not go around talking smack about married life. It amazes me how many people are not happy in their relationships. As I said in a previous reply, my wife has been in France for the past three weeks. Sure, the "alone time" allowed me to get some projects done around the house, but I miss her dearly. I don't know what I would do without her.
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swerve~


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Re: The Gathering 2008 - Roll Call
« Reply #93 on: July 20, 2008, 08:12:22 AM »
Jon .. my wife has been away two days .. I know the feeling!
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: The Gathering 2008 - Roll Call
« Reply #94 on: July 20, 2008, 08:25:50 AM »
Perhaps I should have used a wink, rather than the smiley. I'm with you, friends.  It took a long time to find, but I wouldn't trade my married life now for my former single life for anything.  I joke about how well trained I am, but it's mostly that I'm amazed in the change in my mindset, and I'm appreciative of the difference.

  Read my bowling radio reviews at


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Re: The Gathering 2008 - Roll Call
« Reply #95 on: July 20, 2008, 10:59:04 AM »
kev, no foul. I see where you are coming from
I apologize ahead of time for any "noise" at the hotel. We have a little "catching up" to take care of
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swerve~


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Re: The Gathering 2008 - Roll Call
« Reply #96 on: July 21, 2008, 03:07:09 PM »
I leave to meet Toma at 3:00am!!  We'll be in Winston-Salem late night Wednesday and ready to hack it up at 8:00 at Tanglewood.  We'll probably play 2 rounds, so see ya'll for dinner Thursday?!?!?


Summer league
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Re: The Gathering 2008 - Roll Call
« Reply #97 on: July 21, 2008, 04:04:47 PM »
I'll be up at 3am LA time to catch the 4 AM Flyaway and a 6:40 AM flight to Raleigh-Durham via Phoenix.  I plan on taking in some of the sights Wednesday.  If anyone is in town Wednesday and wants to meet up for dinner, let me know.

I'm definietly looking forward to seeing the whole motley crew and meeting the newbes.
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

Edited on 7/24/2008 2:48 PM
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

I am a proud member of and  Bowling forums


Magic Carpet

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Re: The Gathering 2008 - Roll Call
« Reply #98 on: July 22, 2008, 01:11:54 PM »
Looking forward to seeing everyone again and meeting some new people.
If anyone is in on Wednesday we are running a handicap sweeper with two squads (6:30 & 8:30). Bowl 3 games on 3 different oil patterns. We do this every Wednesday night and it has been a lot of fun. There has been a good mix of cashers each week between scratch bowlers and handicap bowlers.

No need to bring a spinner, you can use the one in the pro shop, just brings your pads and polish.

We have coated the whole bowling center with rubber to get ready for the Chaos Twins.
 Everyone have a safe trip and see you SOON!!!.

Ron Clifton


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Re: The Gathering 2008 - Roll Call
« Reply #99 on: July 22, 2008, 03:57:33 PM »
Right now the Misses and I are in Ohio after a 2 week visit in Chicago, we'll be leaving Thursday morning for Winston and we're looking forward to seeing everyone in a couple of days.
Equal opportunity annoyer


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Re: The Gathering 2008 - Roll Call
« Reply #100 on: July 22, 2008, 05:28:16 PM »
I never had any major issues with Atlanta.  Just try to stay away from traveling through at lunch time or 5 pm.

...or any time between 12am and 11:59pm. The bypass is usually worse than the direct through route.


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Re: The Gathering 2008 - Roll Call
« Reply #101 on: July 22, 2008, 05:32:19 PM »
Hard to believe it's only a couple days away.  But I'm more than ready to bring the typical teenager "forget scores, let's hook the ball a ton" attitude so that everyone has the full bowling experience.
- Andy


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Re: The Gathering 2008 - Roll Call
« Reply #102 on: July 22, 2008, 05:32:20 PM »
I'm one of the few who does not go around talking smack about married wife has been in France for the past three weeks.

Sure there's no cause/effect there?  No correlation?

You'll get to meet my wife at the gathering. You won't like her one bit more than anyone else.

Right TP?

J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson, the bLowling King  : Kill the back row


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Re: The Gathering 2008 - Roll Call
« Reply #103 on: July 22, 2008, 06:18:49 PM »
Not really.

She is a French major. She will be teaching high-school French and Spanish. This is the third year in a row she has gone across the pond. The first two trips were 10 days. Those two trips involved mostly sight seeing, history, and speaking the native tongue with the locals.

This time was quite different. She spent a full two weeks studying in a French university. It was mostly work and little play.

She only needs a couple more required classes before she is on the loose as a teacher. It's pretty exciting. She is doing it strictly because she wants to. It's fun for me to see her achieve her dreams.
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swerve~


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Re: The Gathering 2008 - Roll Call
« Reply #104 on: July 22, 2008, 07:17:48 PM »
I have arrived.  Not a great trip.  It started with the FlyAway bus and a late arriving family who I guess though everyone should move seats to accomodate them.  Followed by getting chewed out by a guy who can't read numbers.  Late departure from Phoenix and a 4 hour flight with the lady next to me deciding she was entitled to take part of my seat also and the last hour with the kid behind me getting restless and kicking the seat (he was traveling with his slightly older brother - no parents).  The joys of air travel .  

But after an attempt to get me to pay an additional $22/day for a car with remote locking/unlocking capability and cruize control, I got one without the extra cost Aside from periods of blinding rain, the trip from Raleigh - Durham to Winston-Salem went well.  Check-in was smooth, I've had dinner and all is good.  Since the day started at 3AM on about an hour or two of sleep, it is chill time.

Travel safe and see you all soon.

As for the Wednesday sweepers, I'll probably come and watch.  The knee is better, but the flight time did not help it at all.
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

I am a proud member of and  Bowling forums



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Re: The Gathering 2008 - Roll Call
« Reply #105 on: July 22, 2008, 08:54:05 PM »
Sorry to hear your trip was less than enjoyable, but glad to hear you arrived safe and sound. We look forward to meeting you and the others. Our goal is to hit the road at 6:00AM tomorrow. We should be in W-S around dinner time.
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swerve~