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The Gathering Update * Bragging Rights Results Corrected
« on: July 25, 2008, 05:07:16 AM »
Many have arrived and The Gathering has officially begun.  Lanes were reserved for us from 10 AM - 5 PM and when I arrived shortly after 10 janderson, his nephew, a_ak57 and his 3 friends, Kev3inp and his wife were already on the lanes.  Alakazam and his wife arrived shortly after.  Joe Falco, crazyyankee and his wife, Toma, and Nollster all have arrived. Ron, Karen, and Cindy are also here and shy little Susan is at the desk.

Wednesday I met novawagonmaster and his wife.  He bowled the sweepers and we talked.  Strider arrived fort he 2nd sweepers.

Yesterday I bowled with Kevin and Diane.  Alakazam and JoAnn came in and made an appearance.  Dinner was ar BLL an outstanding Italian place.  Ron recommended the rotisserie chicken, it was fantastic!

I am taking it easy on the knee so I bowled 2 games yesterday and 3 so far today.  Scotch doubles is coming up tonight and I want to have the knee feeling good.

So far, as usual a great group of people.  We're still awaiting the arrival of Dr Joe and those Chaos Twins, SrKegler and his wife, and others expected to arrive sometime today.

More later!  Signing off from Creekside Lanes, your on the spot reporter TP
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

Edited on 7/30/2008 5:48 PM
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

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Re: The Gathering Update * Bragging Rights Results Corrected
« Reply #16 on: July 28, 2008, 09:11:20 PM »
Hey gang,
Shannon and I just rolled back into Ohio. I'm really happy we made the decision to attend our first gathering this year. We are already looking forward to next year.

Let me start out by saying Ron Clifton (and his lovely wife) is a class act and a great host. Creekside lanes is a model bowling center. It is clean, modern, well organized, and there are things to do for everyone (not just bowlers). The food is great, the game room is top notch, and the staff is excellent!

Now for the people. What a bunch of great folks. It was clear everyone was there to just have fun. I did not hear any whining all week. Everyone was friendly. There was no ranting about politics or religion. Everyone was comfortable just talking about bowling, family, music, sports, or whatever. I hope to see you all again next year. My wife and I had never been to NC before, so we spent a fair amount of time away from the group. Next year, we will be sure to attend all of the group functions.

I bowled the sweepers on Wednesday night, and blew my chances with a couple of misses on easy spares. Chalk it up to 9 hours on the road and no dinner before bowling. Hey, I have to have SOME kind of excuse, right?! My wife and I bowled the scotch doubles Friday night. We did very poorly, but haad a blast. She does not bowl in a league, so we were not expecting to be competitive. The Bragging rights tourney was also a great deal of fun. I really liked the tougher patterns, and the format which allowed us to bowl on all of them. Too bad the tourney was handicapped based on a THS average though, right Strider? I believe Strider was the only one to shoot a scratch 600+ series, and there were two of us tied for second with 598. It's OK though. We all had a blast, and will have to just do better next year!

In closing, I just want to thank Joe Falco for inspiring me. Joe is a bundle of positive energy. If we could all exert 1/2 the energy that Joe does every day, the world would be a much better place. Kudos to you, my friend!
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swerve~


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Re: The Gathering Update * Bragging Rights Results Corrected
« Reply #17 on: July 29, 2008, 12:42:20 PM »
Thanks to Ron, Karen, Cindy, Andy, Susan, Gloria, and the rest of the Creekside staff for making this another Gathering to remember. They always make us feel like we're part of the family and this year was no exception.

It was great to see all of you fellow bowlers again this year and Kat and I enjoyed meeting the rest of you for the first time. We'll have pictures posted before too long. We had a pre-league tournament to bowl last night (Monday), believe it or not.

Here's looking forward to next year.
J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson, the bLowling King  : Kill the back row


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Re: The Gathering Update * Bragging Rights Results Corrected
« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2008, 03:53:11 PM »
Once again, it was a great time.  We got back home today, and in between chores I have to reply.

 It was so great to see our friends from previous years and to make new ones.  I finally get to put faces to names I see so often in these pages, some famously, some perhaps infamously. I finally got to meet Novawagonmaster and  Scolai. (He must have a special key for that last letter.)  That guy can flat out bowl! Go lefties! I found out that Jason (Graille (sp?), I can't recall right now) and I are kindred spirits.  Bigwillystyle is also a great guy and must be seen to be appreciated.  I must have said "How does he do that?" a thousand times!  I've got a great pic of him nodded out, too.  

  We spent a lot of time with our friends from previous years, Thongprincess, Alakazam and his wife Jo Ann, and Janderson (wow, what imagination on that screen name ) and the inimitable 10poundbear. Good to see that she's coming out of that shell.   And I'll not forget Max, nor his name next time!  I was really happy to see JessN again this year, and we got to meet his wife, though I maybe heard her say 10 words.  It seemed that this year he's drinking the Kool-Aid, but he's such a great guy you can't hold it against him. Nice Pete Weber glove, too.   We couldn't ask for better company.  SrKegler and Glenn and Linda were sorely missed.

  Andy apparently has a bad memory for faces, at least out of an expected setting, and Toma and Nollster remain great guys, as always.  Joe's appearance was well appreciated, and I saw that bunion, and I don't know how he bowled with it.  If there's two things I hope for, it's to live as long and have that energy then!  He was highly complimentary to me during the scotch doubles.  He must have remembered how we bowled in previous years!  

  Crazyankee and wife, and Strider and wife are also great people, and though we don't avail ourselves of Strider's hospitality, since we're so tired after each day, and total wusses who go to bed early, we do appreciate the invitations.  Maybe someday, if I get the right prescriptions!  Hmm, perhaps that's how Dr. Joe and his wife manage to keep up with the Chaos Twins. We're still not sure how those blonde genes came to the fore, but cuter toddlers just aren't made.  Just how many times can you go "Awwwww" in a weekend?  

  We didn't really get to spend any time with Lexlefty (easy for you to say) and a few others about whom I'm having a senior moment about right now, but feel free to take me to task for forgetting.  Oh, and Dan was a good conversationalist at dinner, I can't forget him. I don't recall his screen name, if any.

  As usual the entire staff was superb, and we don't feel as at home in our regular center as we do during the time we spend in Creekside.  Susan has finally come out of her shell, and I almost wet myself when Cindy was doing the queen wave, with the royal pin scepter in the other hand. And despite a yeoman effort on my part, I couldn't drink them out of Yeungling.  

  And I'm not ashamed of my last place finish in the tournament.  In previous years last place has won a ball, and unfortunately we were a little short of sponsors this year.  Not that I was trying to come in last, mind you.  I didn't do too bad on the long pattern, considering I was totally confused after playing 3rd and even 4th arrow the previous day, and lefties have a huge psychological with problem with anything inside of 10.    I bowled pretty well the rest of the weekend, and after listening to Ron during dinner, I did even better on Sunday.  I didn't get the chance to work with him this year, but the opportunity to absorb his wisdom by osmosis was well worth the trip.

  We always have a wonderful time each time we attend, and I feel sorry for the folks on here who don't feel they can attend, or whose circumstances prevent them from attending.  The big blowhards and the jerks don't show up, even if they say they will,(gee, what a surprise!)  and it's an incredibly fun time with fabulous people who just love bowling. And there's never a reason to say it's too far away.  Thongprincess comes from CA and we drive 12 hours from south Florida.  If we can do it, so can anyone. I'm certain I'll have further thoughts, but that's it for now.  

  All I need is a way to get around Jax without the nasty traffic or, this year, the monsoons both ways!  


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Re: The Gathering Update * Bragging Rights Results Corrected
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2008, 11:45:38 PM »
Melena and I got home safely tonight (Tuesday) after swinging by Charleston, S.C., for a couple of days. I will forever respect the words "heat index" after that side trip, let me tell you.

My best shot of the tournament wasn't even at Creekside: The last night at Extended Stay, I used one of my bowling balls to "fix" the air conditioning. The folks at the hotel were great to us, which was a welcome experience considering our sink and A/C both broke within 10 minutes of our arrival.

It was great to meet everyone, some for the second time. I didn't try to keep up with Joe Falco this time which is probably why my right wrist still feels like it works. If I started naming everyone I met or enjoyed bowling with or sharing information with, I'd leave someone off so I'm not going to try. I do want to thank Ron for his hospitality again, and for helping my wife with her game (Kevin, the reason she didn't say much is she probably doesn't feel like she belongs as a bowler -- yet. I tried to convince her that it was OK, and she said she wants to come back again, so we're making progress).

I do want to share my funniest moment of the trip: Watching Scolai introduce himself in the pregame and Dr. Joe mock-yelling out "YOU!!" in the background. For a split-second, Scolai's face had a great "oh #^@%" look going.


p.s.: For those wondering about the ball and the fixing-the-noisy-A/C story, I used a Columbia 300 Reaction Roll at 1000 drilled with the Girard layout. It carried the freon coil quite nicely back into the evaporator, kicked out five years of accumulated gunk with ease, and reacted well to the ratting fan cage, which left things nice and quiet, and afterwards, the A/C was a well-functioning "blower 10."


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Re: The Gathering Update * Bragging Rights Results Corrected
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2008, 11:18:22 AM »
Another year has come and gone....I'm gonna need a vacation from all the fun we had!!

Toma and I started the week with 3 rounds of golf in Myrtle Beach in a little more than a day, then made the drive to Winston-Salem where we played 2 more on Thursday!!  Strider, CrazyYankee and the Mrs. joined us at Tanglewood for what amounted to a great day at the beach!!  You just can't beat $37 to play all day at a championship caliber course.

We met up with everyone for dinner on Thursday for some fine Italian and Rotisserie.

Whadd'ya know -- BigWillyStyle shows up on Friday!!  It was great to see him again -- it's been quite a long time.  It's hysterical to see all the other Gathering peeps migrate down to take a look at the marvel of his bowling style.  Almost like being at the zoo and he's the main attraction!!  It is amazing to watch, I have to admit.....

Got to bowl the Scotch Doubles with Karen and finally broke 200 for at least 1 game for the first time ever!!  She's a great partner and more than patient when bowling with someone that has such phenomenal split leaving skills as myself.    We somehow managed to throw up a 6-bagger to end the first game!!  We didn't cash or get to shoot the funky splits, but we had a blast!  

Braggin' Rights Tourney -- well, let's just say that it was the best I've bowled in one overall ever, but I was just toast by the time we started.  My bowling hand was covered in Crazy Glue to try to keep my fingers from falling off and my thigh was just about to explode from the slide I seemed to have left back home.  Had a blast and put up a 213 on the mid-length pattern -- my first 200 since the 231 I had on the ABC pattern 3 years ago.  All in all, middle of the pack performance, and almost as much fun as the Gathering Babes appeared to be having on their pair!

Special thanks to Ron, Karen, Susan, Cindy, Geoff & Trish for their hospitality.  As always, it was another great event!!  Hopefully we can get some more of our long time friends who haven't made it recently to come back down.  They are sorely missed!!  Anyone know what happened to JPRLane1??  We missed you at the tourney!!

Glenn & Linda -- missed you both very much!!  



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Re: The Gathering Update * Bragging Rights Results Corrected
« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2008, 05:11:46 PM »
Thanks to everyone for coming again. All jokes aside, (hard for me to do) the Gathering is one of the highlights for me and my staff at Creekside Lanes each year. I hope everyone had a great time and got home safely.

What a great group of people!!!

Glenn & Linda, Sr. Kegler and all that missed this year.
Don't believe all the post, it was a horrible time, it snowed everyday and you didn't miss a thing.

Bowl great!
Ron Clifton


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Re: The Gathering Update * Bragging Rights Results Corrected
« Reply #22 on: July 30, 2008, 05:47:32 PM »
I must admit I messed up on the Bragging Rights Results.  Somehow I did not enter a book average for Kat so the program based her handicap on her average after the 3 games were bowled.  Corrected Results:

1st Angela 753
2nd Kat 710
3rd Dan 703

My apologies to Kat.
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

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Re: The Gathering Update * Bragging Rights Results Corrected
« Reply #23 on: July 30, 2008, 09:38:16 PM »
Ok, I got gipped!

At least you had 3rd for a few days I would say 4th out of 35 isn't too bad though.
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

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Re: The Gathering Update * Bragging Rights Results Corrected
« Reply #24 on: July 31, 2008, 01:48:50 PM »
I must admit I messed up on the Bragging Rights Results.  Somehow I did not enter a book average for Kat so the program based her handicap on her average after the 3 games were bowled.  Corrected Results:

Gentlemen, we have our work cut out for us next year!!!  Not only was this the first time a lady has won the BRT, but taking the top 2 spots?!?!?!  Way to go!!


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Re: The Gathering Update * Bragging Rights Results Corrected
« Reply #25 on: July 31, 2008, 04:19:57 PM »
Hmm, maybe I'll have to work on "average management" over the winter to give me a fighting chance.    She bowled out of her mind! I think we all were a little stunned.  Talk about matching up well!  Next year I'll have to do the Wayne's World "We're not worthy" when they get there.  Or sooner, in the Florida Mini-Gathering.

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Re: The Gathering Update * Bragging Rights Results Corrected
« Reply #26 on: August 03, 2008, 12:03:06 PM »
Well...finally got a few minutes, so I figure I'll post some about our experience at the gathering:

First off, lemme say that Angela doesn't have an account on BR...THANK GOD....or she'd spam the place with how much better at bowling she is than me! She did want me to thank everyone for her though, as she is a very shy person, and was excited about coming back next year (might've helped she now knows she's better than the rest of us  ).
Seriously though, I do appreciate the hospitality and kindness from everyone, as she is very shy, and I was very happy that she was able to get along with so many people over the weekend....

Now for me:

I was hoping that I'd get to spend more time in WS, but the champ had management classes just outside of Charlotte all week, so I was stuck in a hotel playing XBOX most of the time and eating BoJangles, not that I'm complaining about that either!  

Got to meet up with Jesse (JPRLane1) on Thursday. He introduced me to the sport of Disc Golf aka "Throw-a-frisbee then try to find what clump of trees it landed in"! At least that's how I played! After 9 greuling holes, we grabbed some food at SubStation 2 I believe, then headed to his home alley to throw a few games. We didn't end up bowling, cause there were too many kids that came in with a school function or something (sounded like a good excuse for both of us), so we hung out at the pro shop he works at for a bit before heading to his house to play disc golf on the Wii (I know....we're nerds LOL)! Great times Jesse....can't wait to catch up with ya again!

Friday, after she got out of class, we went to the hotel in Charlotte, packed up some of the stuff, and then headed out to Creekside to bowl a few and then enter the Scotch doubles tourney. We got there just as everyone was finishing up practice, so they could go eat (which of course we were both starving on the way over so we decided to grab a bite to eat on the road. DOH!). We ended up staying and practicing with Jess (JessN16) and his wife Melena. I must take this time to thank Jess for bringing his Enriched Uranium for the sole purpose of me seeing him throw a few shots with it...awesome thing to do for someone you don't even know! Had some fun, and definately glad we practiced on the shots (both burnt up and fresh when they reoiled before the tourney). Angela and I bowled on the same pair as Jess and his wife, and Jesse and a young lass by the name of Mary (threw a very good shot BTW). Angela and I did very well (thanks to her book average she comes in with: ) So we won the scratch and handicap games for game 1 and 4...and we won the overall over average...not too shabby!

Saturday I got to meet a lot of people from the site I'd never met before, as well as catch up with some from past. I met Kev3inp and his wife, CrazyYankee and his wife, Alakazam and his wife, Willynhook and his wife, janderson and his wife and nephew, Novawagonmaster and wife, AND Toma (who IS NOT Alakazam's wife...LOL) . Also got to catch up with Nollster, ThongPrincess, Scolai, Strider, JessN16, Joe Falco, and of course Ron, Karen, Andy, and the rest of the Creekside Crew! I bowled lousy in the Bragging Rights tourney...which made the wifey winning it all the more painful! Not to mention everytime someone congradulated her on it!

I gotta head to work, so I'll give the rest of the update...later guys!

Big Willy Style
Just my $0.02 so take it for what the Foreign Exchange values it at!
"I was raised by a cup of coffee..."
***This message brought to you by the A.O.B.U.B.O.A. (Assembly Of Back-Up Bowlers Of America) which is now taking applications***  

Honorary Member of the F.O.S. (and also the best back-up bowler the Saws have ever had)!
Visionary Test Staff Member '08-'09

Edited on 8/8/2008 0:33 AM


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Re: The Gathering Update * Bragging Rights Results Corrected
« Reply #27 on: August 07, 2008, 09:17:16 AM »
I really enjoyed my stay in WS and attendees were all great people!

A lot of different bowling balls thrown .. but I was impressed with the Global900 Break Pearl thrown by NovaWagonMaster! The ball arced beautiful to the pocket and hit/mixed as good as any ball I've seen. Nova indicates he picked the ball up NEW on a site (reasonable priced) .. if ANYONE sees a new 16 pound BP (reasonable) please let me know .. I'd like to try one. Thanks!  

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: The Gathering Update * Bragging Rights Results Corrected
« Reply #28 on: August 07, 2008, 09:57:34 PM »
It's a great ball Joe, but it's Rico-smooth! LOL!
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swerve~


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Re: The Gathering Update * Bragging Rights Results Corrected
« Reply #29 on: August 08, 2008, 12:35:59 AM »
In case you read Big Willy's post incorrectly, I'm not Alakazam's wife.

***EDITED (I felt bad for insulting Jo Ann and calling her Toma) ***

Big Willy Style
Just my $0.02 so take it for what the Foreign Exchange values it at!
"I was raised by a cup of coffee..."
***This message brought to you by the A.O.B.U.B.O.A. (Assembly Of Back-Up Bowlers Of America) which is now taking applications***  

Honorary Member of the F.O.S. (and also the best back-up bowler the Saws have ever had)!
Visionary Test Staff Member '08-'09


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Re: The Gathering Update * Bragging Rights Results Corrected
« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2008, 11:05:51 AM »
I had a great time as usual.  It seems like the regulars find a way to make the long trek every year.  I just wish some of the people that are a little closer would find a way to make it.  If people can come from CA, PA, FL, and AL year after year, surely we can get some more from SC, VA, KY and TN?  It was a shame that some regulars like Glenn and Linda and Darold couldn't find a way to make it happen this time.  You were missed by everyone.

I went golfing with Toma, Nollster, CrazyYankee and his wife Thursday.  The weather was beautiful but my game was awful as usual.  I manged to avoid most of the sand early (a real feat at Tanglewood's Championship course), but more than made up for it later.  27 holes was more than enough for me, but Toma and Nollster played on.

I mostly just hung out Friday.  I can bowl the Scotch doubles anytime and there was a shortage of females as always.  I was great to see a BR team (Big Willy and Angela) do so well.  Every one seemed to have a blast.  I just love the bragging right tournament.  It's a real test to bowl well on three different patterns.  I did well (small 600) buy my over inflated house shot crushed any chance I might have had.  Angela (Big Willy's better half) just crushed the competition.   I don't remember her average, but she shot close to 750 handicap!  That's good no matter what.  At least I beat my wife.  She throws a straight ball down the middle, so oil patterns mean nothing to her.  I figured she'd beat me by 50-100.  It was a shame that Joe Falco couldn't stick around, Colleen's knee kept her from bowling more, and Jesse (JPRLane1) didn't make it back.

The mini get together at my house was fun also.  A few people tried some home brew (where were you Mutulated1?) and everyone had a chance at poker and pool.  Unfortunately I was the first knocked out of the poker tournament.  I turned a straight, but gave AndyWS two pair who called my all in and made a full house on the river.  Andy won it all, one of Andy's (a_k57) friends RJ? played a very solid game and came in second.

Sunday was cool also.  People just bowling and having fun.  No more competition.  Trying different balls, different lines and a chance to work with Ron.  Nothing like seeing Willy throw a 300 rpm back up ball on one shot, and more than that "normal" the next.  Not quite the 1600 rpm's that CATS quoted him, but...  Kevin, you need to post the picture of Willy zonked out in the corner!  I wonder if Ron has any video of Janderson throwing the ball down the ditch through the small hole between the pool stick on the chair and the lane, and beside a ball bag half way down lane?

Don't listed to Dr. Joe about the "chaos" twins.  The kids behaved great the entire time.  Keith (Scolai) made it again and we did get to briefly meet his family.  Jon (novawagonmaster) may have been one of the few regular posters that made his first Gathering.  Very solid bowler that I expect to see some big scores from in the future.  I'm sure that Alakazam and JoAnn will be glad to finally be home after such a long trip.  NC was but one of their many stops over several weeks.  I'm sure I left out a lot of details, but the older you get, the less you remember, especially when you wait so long to post.  
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