I guess I learned an important lesson when I went practicing in a house I haven't bowled in since my college days (Pro Lanes, North Reading, MA). I was able to get a rent a lane deal at a reasonable price and brought 7 of my balls with me (Animal, Rule, Slash, Absolute Inferno, Panic, VP2 and Target Zone). The shot was leftovers from the previous night (and whatever bowling was done during the day), wood lanes with typical back ends. My best carry angle was starting the ball out at 13 at the arrows out to about 4 or 5 at the breakpoint. If I got it out too wide, it didn't make the turn, and too inside of 6 was a crossover for sure...
This was a shot where the Panic worked well, and the Slash was a close second in terms of consistent reaction shape, reading of the lanes and mix of the pins. Just out of curiousness I took out my Rule and Animal and quickly realized that these balls didn't read the lanes adequately, almost rendering plastic a better choice for this condition as the balls went super straight.
Have you noticed that you have to now consider asymmetrical balls versus symmetrical balls in addition to whether you start with particle solid, particle pearl, reactive solid or reactive pearl into the mixture in an unfamiliar house? Would you still go with a medium symmetrical ball to start out a tournament or would you place in other factors for the first ball out of the bag situation?
Edited on 4/16/2005 3:12 PM