I went to bowl the hoinke today, it was kind of a on a whim, 3 days ago that I decided to bowl in it. On top of the *almost* 5 or so hours I got of sleep last night...I just wasn't prepared mentally, wasn't at my toughest physically, and DAGGONE IT if my mechanics weren't HORRIBLE lol Chuck Knoblauch.
It was interesting though, bowling singles 4 games, each game on a different pair.
It was the first time in nearly 3 years I've bowled on a tournament condition.
Balls I took with me:
Columbia Wicked
Columbia Beast Pearl w/mica
Track Flare
Ebonite Tornado TPS
I just couldn't find a shot! it was horrible for me. On top of mechanics being out of whack and what not.
I am preparing to go back for at least doubles and team, if I decide to bowl singles again I'll register all events too I guess.
Bowling second shift was horrid. Ball wouldn't hook the first game, the next three after the oil burned out it was erratic. But I guess I have to get used to that.
I'll get mine

On a positive note, I'm 100% 7 pins (4) in tournament play this year!! although I blew a 6 pin

I'm a better bowler than that.
Carry the 8. be a good lefty.