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Author Topic: The importance of drilling  (Read 1380 times)


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The importance of drilling
« on: February 25, 2007, 12:15:17 AM »
I would like to know what BR members think of the following statement that I read somewhere on a bowling website.I forgot where I saw it. It said that the hooking or arching power of a ball is due 70% to the ball's cover, 20% to its core and only 10% to the drilling. Surely, the drilling is more important than that.



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Re: The importance of drilling
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2007, 08:30:25 AM »
Dunno about the exact percentages, but that's not unreasonable.  The vast majority of the reaction is the cover and surface prep.



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Re: The importance of drilling
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2007, 09:06:34 AM »
Martin, just so we're on the same page, drilling refers to the layout on the ball not how well it fits. Where I saw a big difference in ball reaction was when I drilled a ball with the pin on my pap vs a ball drilled 4" pin to pap. Definitely more than 10% difference between balls. IMO the percentages are general. I think how a person throws the ball changes the percentages.

So many questions, so little time but I'm having fun.


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Re: The importance of drilling
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2007, 12:48:15 PM »
a ball that fits your hand correctly is the first step to bowling well. other than that, the primary emphasis should be placed on matching the coverstock to the lane condition.

Edited on 2/25/2007 1:46 PM


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Re: The importance of drilling
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2007, 03:09:02 PM »
ric makes a good point here. many league bowlers really don't realize how important "matching up" is. they're quick to have the ball drilled up for "lots of hook" but spend no amount of thought on the coverstock. i used to do that as well until my pro shop clued me in.


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Re: The importance of drilling
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2007, 03:31:14 PM »
ric, i for one have seen the results of what you are saying in both leagues and tournaments. to use me as an example the night i shot 847( 289-289-269 )the coverstock on my classic zone allowed me to use my "a" game and my preferred line to the pocket as i carried 30 strikes in 36 frames. the ringing 10's and swishing 7's that i left wouldn't have carried with a change in the position of the cg or the addition of a x-hole.

Edited on 2/25/2007 4:29 PM


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Re: The importance of drilling
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2007, 04:03:04 PM »
Lane1B0WLER you are correct even picking up a house ball with a house shot you can get into the pocket.


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Re: The importance of drilling
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2007, 07:47:35 PM »
Oh Yeah. On a dare I did it. Picked up a house ball and shot a 214. A second for a 202. Just shoot it straight like Earl Anthony did it or how Walter R. Williams does it. Be really steady with your shot. Either hand behind the ball all the way or suitcase style. Just have fun bowling.

Lane1B0WLER you are correct even picking up a house ball with a house shot you can get into the pocket.  

Ah yes!  But will it carry?!?!?!?!?!?

The correct combination of surface, core and layout to match up to the bowler makes all the difference

Mike Austin

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Re: The importance of drilling
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2007, 10:42:46 PM »
a ball that fits your hand correctly is the first step to bowling well. other than that, the primary emphasis should be placed on matching the coverstock to the lane condition.

Edited on 2/25/2007 1:46 PM

I like this reply.  Martin, your numbers are right.  But, if you can't get the ball off your hand well, and can't make the same shot twice, then all the hocus pocus of ball layout won't make a difference.

Get your ball properly fitted.  Pick the correct surface ball, and adjust it correctly and you will be fine.  Like Ric says, once you get the right type of ball and the right surface prep, you will hit the pocket on the THS.

Driller to many "Stars" and Tony Melendez too!


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