What I resent most is someone putting words in my mouth.
Tell me where in my post I said "Tough. etc, etc. etc."
I will try to explain one more time so that everyone else on this forum doesn't get the wrong impression of me.
The tournament rules and handicap % are set by those running it. It is not a matter of fair or unfair. When one chooses to enter any
competition, they are well aware of the rules and the odds of them winning based upon the handicap percentage.
If you accept the challenge and lose, you can't then blame it on the rules because you knew them going in. Noone forced you to enter the competition especially when you knew the odds were against you.
I am an erratic 170 bowler who is very capable of shooting 220-240 games on occasion.
There's a group of gentlemen with averages between 180 to 210 that are at the alleys almost daily.
Sometimes I join them and they play for $.50 a game scratch. Now I know going in that every single one of them is a better bowler than I am but I still choose to accept the challenge even though the odds are against me.
I've come in first on several occasions, second and third on others and somtimes I'm totally destroyed.
I don't walk away saying I lost because the rules weren't fair. I knew the rules, chose to participate and lost because I just wasn't good enough that day.
A tournament or any form of competition is a contest. You know the rules, you step up to the challenge and accept the outcome. It is not a matter of fair or unfair.