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Author Topic: The knee bend rave  (Read 2557 times)

channel surfer

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The knee bend rave
« on: August 16, 2004, 06:33:02 AM »
Most of you will suggest A LOT of knee bend.

Myself, I had very little knee bend, so I wanted to try and see if the rave about knee bend was true.

To keep it simple, when i got a lot of knee bend, I pulled the ball almost everytime and nothing was really consistent at all.

While most of you encourage the "tons of knee bend", i'll stay away from it.
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channel surfer

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Re: The knee bend rave
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2004, 03:30:16 PM »
Why would I need all that knee bend in the first place?

I know most of you will give reasons, I have yet to seek any of them being true.
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Re: The knee bend rave
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2004, 03:35:40 PM »
Ryan Shafer doesn't have knee bend....and he sucks! [rolleyes]

Come on guys,....none of us are qualified to make judgements on anyone on this site unless you coach,...and a video from behind can't tell you anything!

Channel, if it doesn't suit your game, then sobeit
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Re: The knee bend rave
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2004, 03:50:45 PM »
CS, I too gave up (or am trying to) knee bend.  Did it for reasons having to do with the health of my leg and knee.  Sometimes it works, clearly, to my advantage; others, not so much.  For me the deal is to not loft the ball while staying straight legged.  If I can do that, ie, get the ball to "airplane land" on the lane, all is well; it just starts from a higher plane.
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Re: The knee bend rave
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2004, 08:37:35 PM »
CS, I too gave up (or am trying to) knee bend

I am in the same boat with Rags here. We are both trying to paddle standing

I never did have had a great knee bend, but I did perfect the waist bend. Seems as I have gotten older and having had two major surgeries plus gaining 20 pounds since I quit smoking 15 months ago, I for what ever reason can't seem to be able to bend my knee and get down at the line without excessive waist bend anymore, so I am working on the same thing as Rags.

Although the book says to have a deep knee bend, not everyone can do this and not everyone can bowl by the book. If you are more comfortable and do better more erect, then thats how you should bowl.

Retired and bowling on Fixed Income

Edited on 8/16/2004 9:00 PM
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Re: The knee bend rave
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2004, 09:05:04 PM »
For me, I went to a deep knee bend for two reasons:
1) I hit up through the ball, and doing so from a more upright position caused me to loft the ball to the arrow on the fly. I decided that to get more roll while keeping the same release would require me to finish lower so that the ball hit the lane sooner. I already had a knee bend, but I made it much lower.
2) Related to this, being lower made it much easier for me to get the leverage and angle I needed to lift up through the ball. Personally, I can't lift up through the ball when I'm bent over at the waist with little or no knee bend.

All that being said, with the new rage being the "open handed" or "don't hit up through the ball" release, a deeper knee bend probably isn't as necessary now -- at least not for lifting through the ball.

I think we call all agree that it's important to be balanced at the line, whether you're straight-legged or with knees bent.
You weren't unlucky when you left that corner pin, so shut up about it already!!


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Re: The knee bend rave
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2004, 10:13:07 PM »
Most of you will suggest A LOT of knee bend.

Myself, I had very little knee bend, so I wanted to try and see if the rave about knee bend was true.

To keep it simple, when i got a lot of knee bend, I pulled the ball almost everytime and nothing was really consistent at all.

While most of you encourage the "tons of knee bend", i'll stay away from it.

You don't need alot of knee bend. However some is good. But one thing I will tell you you must try things for more than one session of practice or one week of practice. But if it is not comfortable to you than I think you will get by - save an additional $3 off any $100 order by simply typing in CSB into the coupon code area at checkout.

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channel surfer

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Re: The knee bend rave
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2004, 10:45:22 PM »
I do have knee bend, but im sure some of you would suggest a little bit more. Its rather uncomfortable.
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Re: The knee bend rave
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2004, 12:37:45 AM »
Beside the leverage aspect getting kneee bend lowers your center of gravity.
If your center of gravity is lower it is easier to maintain your balance when your timing is slightly off. Allowing you to repeat the same arm swing and body position on shots even if your timing is not quit as in synch.

No one ever has the same perfect timing every shot.

That's why I like getting good knee bend.
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Re: The knee bend rave
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2004, 12:02:57 PM »
On my good shots, I have a pretty deep bend and can hold a balanced position very easily until the ball hits the pins.  I can tell right away when I'm off because I'm bent from the waist and way off balance, usually because of early timing.  Sometimes I go a little too low and as soon as the ball is off my thumb it's on the floor resulting in a nice double-dribble effect -- I've jammed a finger or two this way....