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Author Topic: The Michigan Challenge  (Read 729 times)


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The Michigan Challenge
« on: January 08, 2004, 12:18:23 AM »
A lot of us have been talking on here about how bowling is dying and such.  So I think it is time for a little challenge to bowling center proprietors from me, Brian Regan at

First things first:  The point of this challenge is to find out what our law of averages is, and how we can alter it.

The challenge:  I am going to bring a LOT of people into bowling centers in the next 12-18 months.  How I am going to do that is not important, but I am going to do that.  I will bring non-league bowlers into bowling centers in droves for one day.  The challenge is to see how many of those non-league bowlers can be persuaded to come back to the bowling center and join a league.

Am I really going to do this?  Who knows.  The point is, how many bowling centers are able and ready for something like this to happen?  I'm talking about mailing lists, emailing lists, flyers, friendliness, cleanliness, machines that work, and an all around fun atmosphere.  If I were to take 10,000 people to bowling center A, would that center be ready to make some league bowlers out of those people?  Would they at least be ready to promote the game to them so that they'll come back?

These are the real questions that bowling center managers and owners need to think about.  Because I can tell you without a doubt that it can be done...getting the people there, that is.  And just so you all know, yes I will be really doing this on a small level at first.  Would you allow 10,000 people to bowl for free one time if you knew that the law of averages says that 1000 of those people would join a league in your bowling center for at least the next year?  And of that 1000, 250 would bowl a league in your center for the next 20 years?

The crazy part is, you don't even have to let them bowl for free the first time

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"



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Re: The Michigan Challenge
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2004, 08:58:58 PM »
I'm not a center manager, but I'd gladly take a shot at getting a bunch of new customers.  In a dead part of the day, their fixed costs (lease, electricity, salaries...) are being paid anyway.  Might as well let some "non bowlers" bowl.  Like you said, if 5-10% of them come back, you'll be way ahead of the game.  My company (large chemical plant) can't seem to recognize that a small expense now can lead to a big profit later.
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