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Author Topic: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same  (Read 2657 times)


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This in this week.

USBC seems to be going the way ABC/WIBC has in the past.  Nothing new here.  Hierarchy the SAME and expect the SAME from USBC as you have as a sanctioned bowler as with ABC/WIBC.

Maybe we're heading back to my cowboy hat and boots ready to go.  

So whadda ya think....same-o same-o????




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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2004, 08:32:37 AM »
Scott,  I have a feeling that you may be right.  It's still a little early to tell if there will be any changes, but my gut feeling is that it will be business as usual.


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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2004, 10:36:26 AM »

I don't know how many applications that they received from outside the industry, I would tend to think that the choices were limited.  I doubt that you will find very many corporate executives that are willing to attempt to run an organization in which you have to go to the delegates (who are volunteers often with limited knowledge of the issues) and seek approval for any changes that you want to make.  The length of time that the process takes is incredible.  The biggest change to date has been the reduction in the size of the board and its make-up, something that will hopefully streamline some of the process.  Perhaps over time the areas over which the delegates have voting rights will change, and the board will have authority to respond to fluctuations in the industry more quickly and effectively.  In the mean time, I believe it is in the best interest of bowling to have an executive that has had experience with the type of organization and structure that Roger Dalkin's leadership provides.


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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2004, 11:47:08 AM »
Sometimes a fresh start is all that is needed.  The old blanket of the current governing bodies is about to be shed.  Perhaps this new beginning will spark some fresh ideas that will allow for positive change to happen.

Let's give this a chance!

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"


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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2004, 12:00:58 PM »
Sometimes a fresh start is all that is needed. The old blanket of the current governing bodies is about to be shed. Perhaps this new beginning will spark some fresh ideas that will allow for positive change to happen.

Let's give this a chance!


I'll give it a chance Mich....but geez did they have to come back with the same ole retread directors????  That's what I was hoping for was a drastic change away from the ole hierarchy.

New people at helm, new ideas, new direction.  Sorry I don't see Dalkin taking this a new way.  JMO.  



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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2004, 02:18:10 PM »
'Bones--Don't you believe that most/the majority of sanctioned bowlers do want to see a change?  

I do!  That being said why bring back the old hierarchy of ABC?  Aren't they saying in essence that nothing is broken so let's go with the good ole boys?  

I don't agree with jimsey's opinion that there were limited choices of candidates available.  It may have been limited becuase they didn't search hard enough.




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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2004, 03:00:21 PM »
Do you think those in power do not know that?

I'd guess they do.  Probably why they developed the SOB and allow lane inspections 30 days prior to/30 days after an honor score is shot.  

Maybe, we some of us on BR are in the minority.  

But, why did they ABC/WIBC come out with sport conditions/leagues?  Why does the Nat'l ABC tournament draw over 60,000 bowlers on an annual basis on a flat lane pattern.  

The ole guys gotta go before anything will change for the better....along with the ole ways of doing business.

The PBA has done such a move and IMO so do the sanctioning bodies.  For better or worse.

Like my uncle <a dairy farmer> used to say "You might as well go back to bed if you aren't in the field by 9."  Well, USBC boys better wake up and smell the coffee....they've been asleep at the wheel for over 30 years!



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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2004, 12:01:45 PM »

quote: The ole guys gotta go before anything will change for the better....along with the ole ways of doing business.

Can't agree with you more, however I don't think that it should apply to only the top people at the organization.  We need a chnage in the national convention delegates as well as the state and local association board of directors.  The problem becomes getting new blood to volunteer to get involved and have their voice heard where it counts.  Anyone can complain that things need to change.  Stepping up and working at it is something can be very frustrating because it is such a slow process.  For every good idea that is put forward, there are dozens of people who will tell you it won't work and very few who are willing to help make it happen.

By the way, the new USBC board of directors is made up of 25 members, 5 from ABC, 5 from WIBC, 5 from YABA, and the balance from BPAA, athletes with international competition experience, USA bowling, and 2 at large reps.  This replaces the old ABC board of 120 members.  It is a new way of doing with a lot of new faces.  I hope they can get the support that they need to make the changes that will be for the better.


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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2004, 12:21:49 PM »
Couldn't agree with you more jimsey.  I posted this on my other thread that our local assoc. director which is a paid postion does little or nothing on a one to one basis promoting bowling in out City tourney.  

This is what is needed one on one.  NOT meeting after meeting about how we can fix our declining membership.  

We're gonna fix it by getting out in the trenches to fix it.  

I like the idea of streamlining USBC.  Hopefully we'll see more of a hands on effort at the lower levels.



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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2004, 01:47:52 PM »
I asked what will happen down the road, and he just shrugged his shoulders.

Isn't that what's wrong with people in control of USBC?  You get a lot of shoulder shrugging and I don't know.  In my book, the majority of 'em can be replaced.  




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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2004, 02:22:08 PM »
How much of the members' money did the USBC task force spend to figure out that Dalkin was the best choice for USBC president?  Duh.  Inquiring minds want to know
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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2004, 02:25:15 PM »
Proprietors run the show?  They are more disorganized than the USBC.  Most small centers don't even belong to the BPAA.  But, I bet the majority or 95% are certified centers.

Change starts at the top but the lil guys have to change the top for that to happen we need new leadership.  Change is good nothing wrong with a revolution from time to time.  

Leaders that have been at the top to long become complacent.  Go with the flow...yes men.  Get a salary and the heck with "real" change.  Everybody nods yes like your ABC brass friends 'Bones but are they really doing anything about it to institute something that will change the numbers of bowlers as they constantly fall?  

I say get off your butt USBC leaders and get out to some bowling centers where you will do some good.  Or put more of an effort with some $ in that area and screw the vacations to Hawaii.  



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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2004, 02:51:31 PM »
What are they going to change?

Look at your leagues. The vast majority of bowlers are over 40 and they are dying, getting crippled, or just plain quitting faster than they are being replaced.

Kids are growing up in a computer generated bigger than life action world. They want instant gratification. They are use to games they can play 20 hours straight to memorize them and then throw them in the scrap heap to play only once in a great while. They don’t want to commit to something for 30+ weeks a year.

Bowling was a niche sport, became a national fad, and is now retreating back its niche status. Cosmic bowling, color pin, 9-pin no tap, pins missing, etc, are all gimmicks and are not real sport bowling. They may help keep the doors open but it isn’t really bowling.

The ABC (USBC) is really a regulatory agency to insure that the sport is played on a uniform field, with uniform equipment, with uniform rules, and run a few championship tournaments. They never have been a promotional organization.

Bowlers are the cause for the demise of scoring integrity. 25 years ago when honor scores were disallowed what did they do? First bowlers went to bowling centers that had higher scoring. Then they sued the ABC. Their main argument being that the bowler shouldn’t be punished for the transgression of the proprietor, even though they couldn’t have shot the score without the illegal lane condition.

The ABC couldn’t stand the cost of legal action and possible awards given by juries so they relented and went with short oil and the rest is history.

The momentum generated by our changing society will mean that the sport of bowling will continue to decline for sometime to come and no amount of self promotion is going to change it.


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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2004, 03:03:45 PM »
Get them while they are young get them interested young and they will never leave.
I see the gods in the arena
They stand beneath the blinding lights
The roar becomes a deafening silence
In reverence before the fight

One will live tonight
One will die tonight
One will stand and
One will fall


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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2004, 03:30:06 PM »

that is probably the best assessment of the current situation in bowling that I have ever heard.  Too many people are out to blame someone for the ways things are.  We live in a different society now then we did even 10 years ago.  Priorities have changes, the availabilty of other activities has increased, and unfortunately we look for instant fixes far too often.  League bowling is no longer the main focus for a proprietor.  He needs to produce maximum income for his center.  ABC/USBC cannot do that for him.  ABC/USBC is a membership organization designed to help provide its members rules, uniform playing field, and recognition for accomplishment.  It has taken on promoting of the sport to maintain its shrinking membership base.  Bowlers are what bring people into the sport.  Asking someone who hasn't bowled to bowl on your team produces results that advertising, promotions, and giveaways never will.  Bowling will continue to decline if we wait for the magic act that so many seem to believe will rejuvinate our sport.