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Author Topic: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same  (Read 2658 times)


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This in this week.

USBC seems to be going the way ABC/WIBC has in the past.  Nothing new here.  Hierarchy the SAME and expect the SAME from USBC as you have as a sanctioned bowler as with ABC/WIBC.

Maybe we're heading back to my cowboy hat and boots ready to go.  

So whadda ya think....same-o same-o????




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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #16 on: October 19, 2004, 07:42:34 AM »
Yep Pinbuster and jimsey....ok I'll go along.  Let's just let 'em run it down into the ground without a fight.  It's not worth it.  Is it?



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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #17 on: October 19, 2004, 09:07:45 AM »
Scott33 – The point I’m trying to make is it is not the ABC’s function to promote bowling and try to fill leagues.

The only changes I can think the ABC could do are to dictate a tougher lane conditioner standard and to start checking balls again when an honor score is thrown. But as I said above the majority of league bowlers don’t want this and listen to them howl if a score was thrown out because a ball was illegal (I’ll bet 10% of the balls being checked in at the ABC national tournament require fixes).  

The proprietors have the biggest stakes in this game. They also have the most contact with possible new league bowlers. As you noted in on of your other posts, the staff at centers need to make personal contact with every “non-league” bowler that enters and thru a non-pressure sale see if they would be interested in bowling leagues. Probably on 1 in a 100 contacts may become fruitful but it is probably the only way.

We make a big deal about youth bowling. I’m guessing around here less than 5% of the kids who come out of YABA around here are bowling 10 years later. Unless they are into going to college on a bowling scholarship or going pro most quit organized bowling in their twenties. I don’t know if they really ever come back. The proprietors here fully sponsor high school bowling costing each center over $10k a year (they pay insurance, coaches, uniforms, donate lineage, etc) and I doubt if that money will ever return.

Sports have gone through these cycles and forces driving them are bigger than the participants. Tennis had a boom and is now struggling, slow pitch softball, and even golf that I believe is now falling off it’s peak.


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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #18 on: October 19, 2004, 09:14:51 AM »
We make a big deal about youth bowling. I’m guessing around here less than 5% of the kids who come out of YABA around here are bowling 10 years later. Unless they are into going to college on a bowling scholarship or going pro most quit organized bowling in their twenties. I don’t know if they really ever come back.  


I'd have to disagree here Pinbuster.  Many kids leave youth bowling as they become soph.-jr.s in high school but because they have the under pinnings of bowling at an early age come back to bowling in their 20's and 30's.  It's a thing to do with their buddies as they mature.  I live in a northern climate so there isn't as much to do from Nov.- March.  

My original point about this whole Dalkin appointment was that until USBC moves to change things fronm the top down...I agree with you things in the bowling industry will stay the same.



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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2004, 10:36:53 AM »

quote:  Let's just let 'em run it down into the ground without a fight.

I think that is the point.  It's not a fight, it needs to be a combined effort.  No one is to blame, no one gets the credit, it's mutually beneficial to all.  In some ways the proprietors are starting to get the message. Every other week leagues, short season leagues, nascar leagues are all examples of leagues that are targeted to a specific type of bowler.  They can produce some excellent results.  However, where ABC has fallen short is that these are not sanctioned bowlers.  The traditional $16 sanction fee, awards, bonding, and lane certification are meaningless to these bowlers.  ABC through Strike Ten gained several sponsors that provided free game coupons on their products.  This greatly helped to bring open bowlers into the centers but produced vey few new sanctioned bowlers.

On pinbusters point for tougher conditions, I think ABC is making its point with sport bowling.  Let there be a seperate distinction by identifying what a tougher condition is.  Allow bowlers the choice of just how challenging a shot that they want to compete on.  I have always felt that even house shots should be rated on a scoring potential scale.  Let the bowlers know just how easy over difficult a particular house or lane condition really is.

On the issue of youth/adult bowlers.  Scott, you make a great point.  In current society, many youth bowlers drop out lae in high school or during college, move on to starting a career and a family and then will come back to bowling in their late 20's or early 30's as their lives stabilize.  Only the very skilled continue bowling straight through.

I guess as far as Roger Dalkin is concerned, we will have to agree to disagree.  Roger can be most effective by getting all the components of USBC working together before taking on a leadership role in the industry.  That can't be done by making rules and tougher lane conditions but by finding a way to communicate with all bowlers and proprietors.


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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2004, 12:10:59 PM »
I completely disagree with the notion that ABC/USBC does not have a responsibility to do advertising. True they do provide rules, regulations, honors and tournaments (which they advertise for) but just because there history shows they have not advertised does not exclude them from doing so.

Point 1: Bowling is in serious jepordy. It will take everyone working together to restore bowling to its hay levels.

Point 2: Other organizations that provide rules and regualtions advertise for there sport... Golf and tennis are examples. You dont see many athletes or golf courses pay for general national advertising unless it is for a specific event. But to draw people into the sport certinaly the organizational organization pay for advertising.

Point 3: There is no other organization going to step up and pay for it. If the UBSC/ABC/WIBC/PBA dont look after themselves who will? There are many of us individuals in the field doing what we can to make a difference but we have limited audience and virtually no money. Who has the access, all the information and collect monies and profits from the sport? They should work together to provide adversting.


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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #21 on: October 19, 2004, 12:50:14 PM »
Yikes Bones, your negativity has come back.  You can call it reality all you want, but the fact is you are wrong.

I'm not going to argue with you anymore about it, I'm just going to keep proving you wrong!

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"


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Re: The More Things Supposedly Should Change the More They Stay the Same
« Reply #22 on: October 19, 2004, 01:04:14 PM »

 I will contend that bowling is in a downward spiral indeed. But I will also contend that virutally no one in position of changing it is doing anything about it.

 I agree that there are some proprietors being successful but they are doing it "alone". They have the information on how to do it better. Should not ABC/USBC make available this information to all proprietors? Who will step up to make a difference for our sport?

 I know your history and unsuccessful attempts of making a difference. I commend you for what you have tried to do. And in your repsonses I hear that you are defeated. But your voice has a following. If change is to be made it will take all of us together.

 In anything in life before change can happen it takes the belief that it can be different. Then you can change the direction of the wheels. You my friend should understand this having been a doctor and seeing all the changes in your profession during your life. Help us begin to believe it can be different.


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