We have 2:
The first guy never shuts up. You can hear him from 10 lanes over, especially if he's having a good night. He has no respect when you're throwing a good game. Always a wise comment to make to the guys going for their first 300 or 800. And inbetween that the only time he does shut up is when he chews on his non-lit, Jowdy-esk cigar.
The second guy is normally the guy who wins our high average award. Best house bowler in the area. He's got 40+ 300's and 20+ 800's. When he's having a bad game or night, it's over. You can't even be in the setee area while he's around. The belly aching about the lanes, approaches and balls is enough to make you want to choke him. He's a lefty too, which makes a lot of people have more to say when he whines.
Becoming a father isn't difficult, But it's very difficult to be a father.
10/21/05 Kaitlyn Emily and 02/01/07 Meghan Alexis, Daddy's little girls!
R.I.P Kevin Trombley 11/26/05 You were taken too soon!
Visionary Test Staff Member 07/08
Frankie May Gryphon
Immortal Pearl
Ogre Pearl
B/G Centaur