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Author Topic: Urethane eh? hmmmm....  (Read 481 times)


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Urethane eh? hmmmm....
« on: February 20, 2005, 09:43:52 AM »
Well in my new area we have alleys that just supply ALL the midlane you want.

For some reason more on the left.  6 pins are left more often than anywhere I've ever seen.  9 pins and 8 also.  Ball always seems to jump and there is NO area to strike.

I've been trying a million things to figure out how to bowl consistently well.

What I mean by that is it is SO hard to string strikes for the left hander.

In this set of houses owned by the same owner I'm aware of one 300 in 3 years by any lefthander, that's right....ONE!
I said this last week and then a guy the next night strung 11 in a row making me look bad, he got up threw one a little weaker and left a beautiful 7-10 split flush in the pocket 298.  Umm mmmm!

Anyway Many a try has been made.  Polished particle, and now waxed particle.
Since they read slower than reactive do seem to be not bad.

Lower diff balls like the Sonic X and Sonic Boom, almost.  Hot Wire sometimes works.  Weaker pins than I've used in the past seem to help a bit.

Today I tried a Lane 1 XXL urethane pearl.  It didn't look bad.  Drilled over the bridge 5 1/2 X 6 1/2 for me(really drilled for a lefty leaning(politics) righty).

This had a nice clean track and a smooth gently move on this longer but very light volume shot!  I'm not sure about the hit yet!

Also tried an Inferno which I believe is just a mix of reactive and urethane and it looked about the same.

Going to get the pitches set up for my lefty throwing self and leave as is and report back on this pearl urethane experiment.

I'm not sure if it is the pearl urethane or the pin position that I'm starting to like.  


He really looked good and got up in the
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana