Hi tech cores arent the problem, nor are 2 handers. The problem is that high friction shells blow up any lane pattern too quickly. Advancements in oils havent been able to combat sanded, or even box condition resin shells.
It was literally impossible to "open them up" for the past two years at USBC Nationals. Why? The oil. Pros are able to open up their patterns because they have 2-3x the revolutions of us league bowlers and they can hit a spot 2-3x smaller than we can with 2-3x the accuracy.
The overwhelming majority of bowlers can't repeat the same shot, with enough revrate to breakdown the thicker oils on these tough patterns that are used for these tournaments.
If you get down to the sole root of the complaints that bowlers have with the game being "too easy" or "unfair cause of two handers and equipment", it's always anecdotal. There's plenty of places you can choose to bowl where it's not easy. Even if you were to establish an average for 21 games then seek out tournaments as a weekend warrior.
But it's a lot easier to put the blame on people who are scoring at ease than it is to accept that you physically cannot do what it takes to be an elite player. Whether that's putting 600rpms on it, or splitting hairs like Barnes & Duke.
The biggest benefit to easier patterns is all the friction on the edges that makes people much better spare shooters than what they really are. Guys don't even look at anything for left side spares, just slow down, wind up on it and let the lane guide it to the pins on the left. For the 3, 6, 9, & 10 pin, just move accordingly and chuck it to the right. If you miss a little, added friction "squares up" your ball for the corner pins. If you miss a left, the puddle in the middle gives you 5 more feet of skid before your ball sees the lane.
....but that's a whole new can of worms that nobody wants to admit to/talk about
I understand the goal for everyone isn't to be an elite player, but it should be to have fun. Usually when humans don't find something fun anymore, they quit doing it and move onto something else. It just gets so F'N old hearing people complain for 10-20-30-40-60+ years of how little they enjoy the game.
I understand all of your plights and gripes with the game, I really do... It's just that this self-loathing bowler shtick does nothing but drive away the bowlers who can't stand to be around the negativity. About 90% of my friends that I've had for the past 15 years are competitive high-level bowlers that weekend warrior 30+ weeks a year in addition to 2-4 leagues a week. They don't share the attitudes of the people who are complaining the most about "what's wrong with the game". They just shoe up and fill frames.
Look everywhere and you'll find that some of the biggest complainers are barely participants.