couple of years ago, the 5 person team i bowled on, prebowled on a different night, time, and lanes because some of the guys were going to vegas for some megabuck event. we did not bowl particularly well so we figured that we would be lucky to get one point for the night. well, as it turns out, the league session where our pre-bowl was to apply, the lane machine broke down and the shot for that night only was extremely difficult. even with our poor scores, we won 3 of 4 points (2 games + total). the other team protested that we did not bowl under the same conditions. here is the killer. when we asked the abc to intervene, they said that they could not, it should be handled by the league. so we had to bowl that team again on the same night as league, but after. anyway, the good news is we won 2 points (2 games but lost total). the point is that, it does not seem possible that the guy shot 900 on the same conditions as league. just my 2 cents.