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Author Topic: The PBA  (Read 12687 times)


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« on: July 19, 2014, 08:11:32 AM »
A friend thats a PBA member got a questionnaire about bowling. One of the questions was ...if the prize fund was $8000.00 how many events will you join? He answered zero. 8 grand? what a sorry state of affairs bowling is in. The PBA is run by idiots. They rape the ball and equipment companies to have their products used on tour. This is why many companies are dropping out..AMF, 900 Global etc... and why other companies like Seismic, Lane#1 etc...never joined. ITS TO EXPENSIVE! Watch Brunswick pull out next. Whos worse? The PBA or the USBC?



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Re: The PBA
« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2014, 10:40:01 AM »
The bottom line is that people who bowl at a high competitive level are mostly fairly athletic, and take the game seriously.   If you want to compare recreational bowlers, compare them to slow pitch softball players, or twice a year golfers.

The only place where top bowlers are an embarrassment is when you compare the money they make against golfers or tennis players.  Of course I would argue that pro golfers money winnings are also an embarrassment, but at the other extreme. 


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Re: The PBA
« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2014, 10:56:48 AM »
All you folks who are compare golf and bowling need to watch Real Sports tomorrow night on HBO. The previews I saw showed golf courses being closed and some courses changing to 15 inch cups. Because as you know, golf is failing because it's too hard.  ::)
"If guns kill people, do pencils misspell words?"

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Re: The PBA
« Reply #18 on: July 21, 2014, 01:41:28 PM »
Never said golf wasn't failing...they closed abt 15-20% of courses in the Phoenix area in the past 5 yrs and do not have anywhere close to the amt of participants that bowling does my statement referenced the ability of golf being pro-active in growth...bowling, the so-called competitive dinosaurs think that if the PBA and/or competitive bowling is 'saved' it'll save the game...the game is not broken just the mentality of some
Co-author of BowlTec's END GAMES ~ A Bowler's COMPLETE Guide to Bowling; Head Games ~ the MENTAL approach to bowling (and sports) & (r)eVolve
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Re: The PBA
« Reply #19 on: July 21, 2014, 01:48:43 PM »
Never said golf wasn't failing...they closed abt 15-20% of courses in the Phoenix area in the past 5 yrs and do not have anywhere close to the amt of participants that bowling does my statement referenced the ability of golf being pro-active in growth...bowling, the so-called competitive dinosaurs think that if the PBA and/or competitive bowling is 'saved' it'll save the game...the game is not broken just the mentality of some

This may be a confounding concept, but all my comments are not necessarily directed at you.

And on second thought, yours may not have been directed at me. If that's the case, I stand corrected.  ;)
"If guns kill people, do pencils misspell words?"

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Re: The PBA
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2014, 01:49:29 PM »
Just a couple of notes that I have probably posted multiple times on message boards.  League bowlers are declining primarily because there has been no infusion of new league bowlers over the past 30 years to match the boom that started in the early 60's.  The number of bowlers who quit for reasons other than age or infirmity is dwarfed by the number of golfers who quit each year.  Why do golfers quit.  Mostly because the game is too frustrating based on the time, effort, and cost involved. 

Just another note.  When I started golfing in 1980 it cost about $5-7 to play an 18 hole round.  I played a PGA course in Vegas for $10 in June of 1983  Today, $25 per round is a bargain on munis, and it goes up dramatically from there.  They over built course to a tremendous degree between 1995 and 2005 especially upper end priced courses.  The recession was a huge killer for middle income golfers.

I am not sure if anything can save the PBA, but anything that might save it will be good for competitive bowling at local levels.  Recreational bowling is doing just fine.  Why would a kid who has some good hand eye and is competitive want to bowl when they could put the same effort into golf and get a scholarship.  Also as an aside I read once where a higher percentage of scholarship college gofers went on to make a living in golf than in any other scholarship sport.       
« Last Edit: July 21, 2014, 01:55:56 PM by avabob »


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Re: The PBA
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2014, 01:54:52 PM »
Golf is finally seeing a decline do to the Tiger effect wearing off...
Co-author of BowlTec's END GAMES ~ A Bowler's COMPLETE Guide to Bowling; Head Games ~ the MENTAL approach to bowling (and sports) & (r)eVolve
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Joe Cool

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Re: The PBA
« Reply #22 on: July 21, 2014, 02:58:41 PM »
The problem to me is the people at the top are all about self-preservation.  They are trying to save competitive bowling (or what they prefer as competitive bowling) because they feel it is in their best interests.  It really has nothing to do with saving bowling overall at all.  It's all about hanging on to the past and refusing to adapt to the much different entertainment world. 

You can't try to make bowling for everyone into what you want it to be.  It won't work.
Hit the pocket and hope for the best


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Re: The PBA
« Reply #23 on: July 21, 2014, 03:02:40 PM »
I disagree with the point 12XSECH tried to make. When bowling was at it's peak and had more participants by far than any other sport, guys smoked, ate pizza  and took a drink of beer before throwing a shot. How would he explain that? There's a lot drunken a-holes on golf courses around the nation. The problem just goes back to youth and the lack of them taking up league bowling. Young kids today have way more things to get their attention and time than we had 30-40 years ago and it has also causes them to attention spans the size of a gnat. Bowling is still a reasonably inexpensive sport to participate in and is still one of the only sports that you can do at any age. It's just so much harder to get that point out in today's world!!


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Re: The PBA
« Reply #24 on: July 21, 2014, 03:11:27 PM »
12XSECH Lane 1 was at one time balls were registered with the PBA I ordered several balls from them when I had my membership.


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Re: The PBA
« Reply #25 on: July 21, 2014, 03:34:42 PM »
Strap in everybody, I've got opinions.  First we have to look at the relationship of the pro to the amateur to the casual player.  Pros in every other sport are very obviously better than amateurs or casual players.  It's easy to feel good making par on a golf hole that's 425 yards long, but when somebody on tour makes par on a 500 yard dogleg par 4 with trees and sand and water everywhere, it's obvious to see they're better than you are.  This makes it fun to watch professionals in a sport you like or are into, EVERYONE can admire or appreciate their skill, you don't have anybody sitting back going, "Well if Nike sponsored me too, I could destroy those guys." 

Bowling used to be an everyman sport.  Everybody liked it because the more well off still enjoyed it, and poorer people liked it because a lot of the bowlers of the past were guys just like they were, but it was obvious they were a lot better.  Back when guys would average 230 or 240 for the week that was something, because even good league bowlers were down in the 210s.  Now people that average 230 in league don't want to watch guys average 230 on tv because they see it happen every week while they're bowling.  Because the oil is invisible, it's harder to see the difference between one guy hooking a ball into the pocket and another even if the shots are different.  Back a few decades ago there weren't many surprises, because everything was mostly the same.  Tour shots were similar to a lot of league shots for one reason or another, maybe even easier, but that just made the pros look even better.  There weren't a million ways to drill a ball, and the pros still had more balls than the average guy, but not as ridiculous as it is now. 

Now I hear so many people saying, "Well I think I could compete, but I don't have the sponsors and equipment all these guys have."  Bowling has become more about equipment, layouts, surfaces, and match ups than the skill of the athlete.  In basketball, the ball is the same size for everybody and so is the hoop.  Baseball?  Golf?  Hockey?  In bowling though, if you don't walk into a tournament prepared, you could get beaten by somebody a lot less skilled than you because they matched up better or brought the right equipment. 

The PBA is definitely doing the right thing making the pros bowl on tougher patterns so that skill has more to do with it than luck, but back in the huge high scoring tv matches, that was some exciting stuff to watch.  Nobody wants to watch pros struggle to shoot 200, but that's because par for the course is 230 or 240 now.  When nobody shot 240s or 250s very often in league, it was impressive to see the pros do it.  Now if they miss once it's almost like, "dang, no 300 this game." 

Plus bowling is boring as hell to watch now, everything is so quiet and dead.  I liked the shows where they didn't set up the "arena," where everybody cheered a lot more and where people appeared to be having fun.  Now the bowlers are disappointed, dejected, and throwing fits more often than not.  I don't want to watch guys pout for two solid hours.  Then you have a lot of fake, gimmicky high tacky corny stuff going on constantly.  People trying to inject excitement into places it doesn't normally come in, goofy commentator or personality names like Mike J Laneside and Jackie Bowling (who the hell is she anyway but a bleach blonde chick somebody found to sit in the audience and look way too high maintenance?).  PBA coverage is painfully sad, it all looks and sounds like a jr high production.  Between Randy trying to make sure everybody knows just how much smarter he is than they are, Dave Ryan or Rob Stone or whoever being generally clueless, putting shows on CBS Sports, which nobody has, and then taking forever to upload stuff to Xtra Frame, it's all just a huge frustrating mess. 
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Re: The PBA
« Reply #26 on: July 21, 2014, 03:59:10 PM »
A little long winded today, eh?


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Re: The PBA
« Reply #27 on: July 21, 2014, 04:27:18 PM »
Bowling suffers today compared to 30 yrs ago quite simply as there is more to do or offer for your dollar and generation M (millennium) the tech age doesn't wanna bowl league...they're into now more so than 9 weeks from now...
Co-author of BowlTec's END GAMES ~ A Bowler's COMPLETE Guide to Bowling; Head Games ~ the MENTAL approach to bowling (and sports) & (r)eVolve
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Long Gone Daddy

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Re: The PBA
« Reply #28 on: July 21, 2014, 05:22:04 PM »
Bowling suffers today compared to 30 yrs ago quite simply as there is more to do or offer for your dollar and generation M (millennium) the tech age doesn't wanna bowl league...they're into now more so than 9 weeks from now...

Plain and simple truth right here.  Ratings were made up of shutins and the elderly in the days of PBA on ABC.  The advertisers wised up and realized that the demographic watching the Tour on Saturdays was not the one with the money.  When the advertisers pulled out, ABC saw the writing on the wall and shipped it off to ESPN.  When you have kids playing XBox and all the other distractions, when bowling industry can't decide to cater to the people who want the latest hook monster or the female mixed league bowler who wants a pretty ball and that's all the matters (  (mysoginistic, I know), and elderly people who with new knee joints want to go out and hike and play pickleball, bowling has to compete for the entertainment dollar.  To do it, they have to bastardize the sport by making it all bells and whistles, bright lights, and Lucky Strike style center which avid bowlers hate. 

I've asked this before and I'll ask it again....why should anybody care what a pro bowler is bowling for?  They want to bowl for that prize fund, that's on them.  Was not that long ago when pro football and pro baseball players had offseason jobs to help pay the bills.  If the PBA bowlers want to make it better, they will have to sell themselves to the network, just like they did when they first formed.  They have to go out and get the advertisers.  They have to produce the shows.  They have to sell it to the networks.  If it goes, it goes.  If it survives, it survives.     
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: The PBA
« Reply #29 on: July 21, 2014, 05:38:09 PM »
Too many feel entitled to more than they should...
Co-author of BowlTec's END GAMES ~ A Bowler's COMPLETE Guide to Bowling; Head Games ~ the MENTAL approach to bowling (and sports) & (r)eVolve
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Re: The PBA
« Reply #30 on: July 22, 2014, 04:13:20 AM »
The odd thing I've noticed with bowling, just around the center that I bowl at is that more often than not, people just need a little push. Keep in mind the place I bowl at has zero leagues, so you don't see a ton of guys with multi ball bags rolling in.

Just as an example, the other day I was out bowling and I had a couple next to me. It was pretty obvious it was simply about entertainment, well until she told him he couldn't hit something, and then it was game on! Anyways here I am, alone, throwing my pretty crappy shots, when they both start rolling better. Being the bowler I have always been I give them a smile and say " nice shot ". Anyways before it was over they were asking questions, wanting to know how to hook it, and frankly just a back ground of how things work. I let them see the differences in grips, explained some basics and they were fascinated. By the time I left the guy was already figuring it out somewhat which left a smile on my face.

Now I would like to think what little I did may encourage them to play more, maybe even look into the game a bit more and enjoy it as I do. I've begun to understand that the only problem with bowling is the bowlers. People still enjoy it, its still fun, but for some reason or another the serious bowlers seem to look down on the average bowler. I think thats the biggest thing I noticed when I golfed years ago, there was no one looking down on me or saying I was the problem. My friends and others did nothing but encourage me to play more.

You want to grow the game of bowling? You want to see you leagues grow? You want to see the PBA take off again? Then everyone from the league bowler to the PBA guys need to be out there encouraging people to play. Stop looking at the cosmic bowler, or the guy with one plastic ball that plays once a month as the enemy. I think back to when I was golfing, and as bad as I was the guys playing weekend tournaments weren't looking down on me, they were encouraging me to play more. Thats one reason Golf is stonger than Bowling, even with less people actually doing it.