Won't happen, and I don't believe it. There is no possible way for anyone to keep their thumb straight and relaxed inside of a 15+ pound bowling ball. There is no way that you can have your thumbhole tight enough that it will hold onto your thumb and still give you a clean release. And there's certainly no way you can do this with a straight elbow and cupped wrist. The textbooks can go to hell, it don't work. Now if anybody can explain how I'm supposed to do this, I'll be forever indebted. Forever. I still haven't gotten around to ordering any Magic Carpet yet, but I'm hoping that I can fix the biggest problem first, which is me, most likely. First of all, everyone has to bend their thumb a little, or else you'd just be holding on with the knuckle (front side of the hole, not the back). Second, you can't relax your thumb in a 15 pound object, unless it's holding onto you. And thirdly, like I've already said, there's no WAY you can get a clean release with a thumbhole being that tight to begin with. Please help!!!
Forget Kung Fu, I know Ron Bahr!!!
The only difference between youth and adult leagues are that the big boys are allowed to whine. They're more entertaining anyway.