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Author Topic: The Power of Thoughts  (Read 1059 times)

Motiv Girl

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The Power of Thoughts
« on: December 30, 2009, 03:53:17 AM »
I have used this during my training and during coaching.If there is one
thing I dislike, it's negative attitudes around me during bowling
and in my daily life.Life is too short to have the energy drained
out of you by negative people.This simple demonstration by Tom Hughes
shows how bad thoughts can change your performance.

 An exercise to demonstrate that you only achieve what you believe.

There is scientific proof that negative thinking does play a role in producing negative outcomes. If you do not believe it then try this experiment: You will need another person to serve as a volunteer. Tell the volunteer that you are going to be conducting a test in muscular strength and how positive and/or negative thoughts and words affect muscular strength. Make sure that your volunteer has no arm, shoulder, or elbow injuries before undertaking this test.


Extend your arms straight out to the side, shoulder height, parallel to the floor. I am going to place two fingers (index and middle) on your wrist. I am going to push down on your wrist, trying to force you to lower your arms. I want you to resist my pressure. Ready? Go. (Push slowly until their arms begin to lower.)

Okay, that was great! For this experiment that will be your base strength. We will use it to compare other tests.

Now close your eyes and lower your arms. See yourself doing something negative. It could be failing a test, not playing well, blowing a sale, or even tripping and falling. Say out loud your favorite putdown words. Repeat them out loud several times. After they repeat their favorite putdown words out loud 6-8 times, have them raise their arms again. They are to continue saying their favorite putdown words. Once again place the two fingers on their wrist. Ready? Go.
What happens?

Normally, they are unable to apply much resistance and their arms go down much easier. Now, close your eyes again and lower your arms. This time I want you to visualize yourself doing something positive. Repeat the words; I can make a difference over and over again. When I think you are ready, I will have you raise your arms again, and we will test you once again.

What were the results this time?

In most cases, your volunteer will be at least as strong, if not stronger, then in the first test. Ask the volunteer what their impression was. Most will tell you that they felt much stronger and felt better about themselves.
So what does this little experiment prove?

It shows us the power of our thoughts over our bodies. When we say negative things, we tend to zap our strength and easily lose mental focus. When we fill our subconscious with positive thoughts, we become stronger and mentally more alert. Still not sold on the concept? Think about a class you took or are taking in school that you did not like. When you had to do assignments in that class and thought, I hate this class, you were weakening your ability to focus and do well on that assignment. As an athlete, there might be a part of your training regiment that you strongly dislike negatively affecting your overall performance.

Conversely, if you can change the words from ones of dislike or hate, to words of like or love, you strengthen your body which in turn strengthens your mind. When your body is feeling stronger, and your mind is sharp and focused, you will be more effective in whatever you do. As a result you will feel better about yourself and will be more enjoyable to be around.
About the Author

Tom Hughes is a coach, educator, author, clinician, and motivational speaker in the USA. Recently, he authored Power Thoughts for Coaching Basketball, a multi-purpose book designed for basketball coaches.



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Re: The Power of Thoughts
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2009, 03:18:13 PM »
it is true.

there is a great book about all of this called "power vs force" by steven hawkins (not the physicist)

some motivational speakers have been talking about this exact method for some years now. Wayne W. Dyer being the one that I have heard this from when he did his book called "theres a spiritual solution to every problem"

I dont want to delve into the power of thoughts or into spirituality.

So I will just say that I know this to be true. everything including your mental and physical health has to do with your thoughts and bowling is no different. knowing you can win gives you a clear advantage over someone who has already given up in their mind.
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Re: The Power of Thoughts
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2009, 07:08:25 PM »
Motiv Girl.
        Another great post.  I am a women bowler also and I have a 14# ball
that some days I throw well and other days?? So then I tell myself this ball is too heavy. So I drop down to a 12#. Other times I think why did I think the ball was too heavy? State of mind. Also I tend to pick up a ball at home to get the feel of my pushway, well of course its heavy, there is no adrelane
pumping.I am a senior well past 60 , I feel much younger throwing a bowling ball. So will expirement and tell myself there is no reason I can not throw this ball as well as the others,besides its a better ball.Maybe not the one thats matches the lanes that day. But not too heavy.


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Re: The Power of Thoughts
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2009, 08:30:14 PM »
The 10 pin is my toughest single pin spare.  If I allow ANY thought of missing one enter my mind I might as well not even throw the shot.  --  JohnP


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Re: The Power of Thoughts
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2010, 07:20:58 AM »
The 10 pin is my toughest single pin spare.  If I allow ANY thought of missing one enter my mind I might as well not even throw the shot.  --  JohnP

Same here. And from experience I can confirm: think weak, be weak. If you doubt your skills, chances are high that things WILL get sour and that you miss even simple spares. I always try to tackle such situations with decisiveness and try to release the ball with "authority", thinking about the positive result and remembering that I HAVE the skills to convert this shot, so I better believe in them and me
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Re: The Power of Thoughts
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2010, 10:21:41 AM »
Very good points. The power of positive thining, even intentional positive thinking in key situations has made several success for me.

There is another topic which has an even greater stigma but should be worth investigating as well. Self Hypnosis.  A book intitled "Bowl better using Self Hynposis" was wrtten in the 50's. It is a smalll paperback book and has produced some astonishing results for me. Additionally, have had a neverous breakdown years back due to a personal catastrophy, I spent some time in a mental rehab facility. During this stay, I was introduced yet again to a form of hypnosis that was successfully able to resolve the underlying issues associated to this personal catastrophy. I immeadiately saw the potential to be used as a bowling aide.

I believe that Motiv Girls topic underscores the fact that humans have not even scracthed the surface of understanding the potential of the brain. Positive thinking and self hynosis are real tools that allow us to get closer to fullfilling our full potential.

I will not describe the method I learned in my stay only because I believe it to me real, powerfull and potentially dangerous. Suffice it to say, it is incrediblely easy and the book I suggested above is somewhat close.

Thanks MOTIV GIRL another FANTASTIC post ... keep them coming
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Re: The Power of Thoughts
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2010, 10:25:50 PM »
Motiv-- I do not necessarily disagree with your premise.  The example you give
is not scientific.  Do you know of any relevant studies on this point?