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Author Topic: The price to be a tournament bowler...  (Read 1115 times)

channel surfer

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The price to be a tournament bowler...
« on: August 18, 2004, 09:34:01 AM »
After being a little bored, I decided to put together a arsenal for, lets say a active pba regional bowler. I was curious, and wanted to see how much you would have to spend just to have the basic things.

First off you need to choose your ball arsenal, Usually made of 6 balls. Here are the balls Ive choosen: (prices include shipping)

C300 Bully...$147.99
C300 Detour...$109.99
C300 Flipside Fear...$72.99
C300 Shock...$109.99
C300 Wired...$134.99
C300 Blue Dot...$56.99

Now we must choose a bag to hold all this crap,

I choose the Columbia Hi Roller 6 Ball...$239.99

Wait, you need good competive shoes!

I just grabbed something, not that Id want these myself, but lets say I go with the Dexter Mens SST 6 LX Black (Kangaroo Leather)...$132.99

But wait, thats not it yet! You need the basic accesories!

Columbia Pro Grip Wipe Out Towel...$13.99
Ebonite Powerhouse Energizer Ball Cleaner...$7.99 (You could always use simple green!)
Pro Grip Tape 3/4" Black/Smooth...$11.99

Whats all this add up to!!?? Seriously, do you wanna know?

TOTAL: $1044.84 (after the 4.95 packaging fee)

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Re: The price to be a tournament bowler...
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2004, 08:31:14 PM »
Except that you forget that some of those expenses are already paid during the course of league...and there are other expenses not mentioned (such as large quantities of local practice time and non-regional events to hone one's skills in the scratch environs.

Also, I didn't see a lot of rollers at the regional I entered, and there weren't a lot of them at the PWBA events.  Much more is accomplished with a series of totes, and $200+ buys many more totes than it does rolling dead space (it also gets to be difficult to travel by car when everyone has rollers).

Most are going to have a larger arsenal than you list.  Even for regional events, I usually travelled with at least four two-ball totes, and everything went if it was in a center with which I had no previous experience.  Good business relationships helped to keep equipment expenses down.

And you forgot the most basic thing for an active regional member...the card  Without it, expenses add up in a hurry.

channel surfer

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Re: The price to be a tournament bowler...
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2004, 08:41:54 PM »
Those fees aleady came across me. This was the equipment only price.
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channel surfer

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Re: The price to be a tournament bowler...
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2004, 11:49:54 PM »
Thats because your living in the wrong part of the world.
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Re: The price to be a tournament bowler...
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2004, 12:34:16 AM »
Dyno-Thane Anomaly $210
Roto Grip Orical $210
Roto Grip Retro Reserection $150
Brunswick Blazing Inferno $210
Roto Grip Sonic Boom $120
Brunswick Target Zone $60

3 Roto Grip Carry bags
$30 bucks a pop so $90

Dyno-thane kangroo shoes $160

Towel $20

Ball cleaner (ebonite enegizer cleaner) $10

Spinner $200 (the one I want)

Polishes and sand paper for the spinner plus a squirt bodle $45 (ruff)

Tape $40 for a 500 roll of white one inch
Tape $40 for a 500 roll of white 3/4 inch

$20 for skin protective tape (bowling all those games I bet your thumb at first will need something).

$1585 for me and that doesn't include replacing equipment becuase you have to face not ever ball is going to last a year. Also it does not include food, and hotel.

Bowl To Win!!!


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Re: The price to be a tournament bowler...
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2004, 09:27:03 AM »
Don't forget "name" shirt at $40 or more a pop.
Dress pants $$$$$$$
free agency it is until i get a better offer.   LMAO