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Author Topic: The REAL reason for PARTICLE balls?  (Read 2100 times)

Ric Clint

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The REAL reason for PARTICLE balls?
« on: July 30, 2004, 03:55:47 AM »
I've got a friend that says the only reason that PARTICLE balls were invented was just because it was just a "new thing" out and everybody wanted to try it.

And he says that Reactives hook earlier than Particles... handle oil better than Particle... and handle carrydown better than Particle...

I say the COMPLETE OPPOSITE with everything listed ABOVE!!!

I say... Particle was invented to give bowlers more hook in oil, and Particles read the oil better and quicker and eliminate "over/under" better, and handle Carrydown better!

I've often heard that Reactive balls were like racing slick's in that they "slide"... and that Particle's were like studded snow tires in that they "grip"... so would you use slick tires on snow or use something that will grip through the snow... just like with Reactives, would you use a Reactive on oil and/or carrydown or something that grips the lane like a Particle?

Who do you agree with?

So many times I've watched people using Reactives on oil regardless of surface and the ball will just slide to the pin deck or give "over/under" and I'll just keep using my Particle stuff and my ball will just be rolling right into the pocket and striking WITHOUT all this "over/under" crap that Reactives usually give when the lanes have more oil on them or are "spotty".

Who do you agree with?

Edited on 7/30/2004 6:52 PM



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Re: The REAL reason for PARTICLE balls?
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2004, 07:07:28 PM »
Would have to agree with you Ric, although personally in my situation (due to personal style and conditions encountered) reactives seem to be the most used equipment. It is rather infrequently that I find enough oil in the heads and mids, or enough carry down that would make the particles advantageous, especially high load ones. The "most ball" that I really seem to need is the Colossus with a control drilling.

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Re: The REAL reason for PARTICLE balls?
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2004, 07:11:23 PM »
That guy must be retarded.


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Ric Clint

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Re: The REAL reason for PARTICLE balls?
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2004, 07:35:28 PM »
I mean, just think of all the KNOWN Heavy Oil balls out there... and even the Medium to Medium/Heavy Oil balls out there........ like the Angle Evolution Tour, Track Contender, Complete Chaos, Trauma Response, Rock-On, Reaction Roll, Purple Monster, the new Brunswick Goliath, Animal, Enforceor, Intensity, Addiction, the new Roto-Grip Heavy Oil ball "the Oracle", Fear Factor, etc... the list goes on!!!

What do all these KNOWN great Medium to Heavy Oil balls have in common... they are all PARTICLE!!! ... not Reactive!!!

I don't know why he can't see this? And what makes it even more odd and ironic, is that he's had several of these particle balls listed above and they WERE HIS Heavy Oil balls at the time he had them... but he still can't "see" why they were so great on Medium/Heavy Oil to Heavy Oil --- the answer is... Because They Were All PARTICLE!!!

And yes, some companies are now coming out with some Reactives for their Heavy Oil balls... and that will backfire!!! I guarentee you that if they took them to a shot that's got some oil on it or CARRYDOWN, or if the shot is "over/under" and spotty, that these balls will get you in trouble and be too eratic with one hooking and one ball sliding too far because Reactives don't have the TEETH that Particle balls have in order to GRIP through the oil and/or carrydown!!!

Edited on 7/30/2004 7:35 PM


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Re: The REAL reason for PARTICLE balls?
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2004, 07:47:39 PM »
Theres alot of "Reactive balls" that are made for med to heavy oil.

Ric Clint

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Re: The REAL reason for PARTICLE balls?
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2004, 07:56:42 PM »
Theres alot of "Reactive balls" that are made for med to heavy oil.

I agree... BUT...

I guarentee you that if they took them to a shot that's got some oil on it or CARRYDOWN, or if the shot is "over/under" and spotty, that these balls will get you in trouble and be too eratic with one hooking and one ball sliding too far because Reactives don't have the TEETH that Particle balls have in order to GRIP through the oil and/or carrydown!!!


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Re: The REAL reason for PARTICLE balls?
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2004, 09:24:57 PM »
i have used brunswick particle balls since they first came out in 1998 and have found out the following:

on heavily oiled lanes they are superior to reactive due to the way they "bite" better going down the lane.

on heavily oiled lanes with carrydown they are superior to reactive since there is more traction produced by the coverstock of the ball.

on a fresh house shot( wet/dry )they are better than reactive as they tone down down the massive backend snap that can occure with reactive.

as the lanes dry up you had better put the particle ball in the bag as they tend to hook early and then quit. you usually need to cover fewer boards with a particle ball so it saves some energy for the backend.

these are MY experiences with particle balls----your results may be different. a player with a lot of ball speed would benefit from a particle ball. as would a spinner on oily lanes. particles balls have their place---as do reactive, urethane, and plastic.

da Shiv

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Re: The REAL reason for PARTICLE balls?
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2004, 10:37:25 PM »
     I agree with your assessment.  

     It is generally felt that the effectiveness of particle balls on oil is caused by the particles biting into the lane.  I'd like to point out something else.  When a ball is first thrown onto a lane that has oil on it, the ball hydroplanes to some extent.  It is primarily making contact with oil rather than the actual lane surface.  A rougher surface on the ball, such as is caused by particles in it's shell, causes that rougher surface to protrude into that oil slick.  Since the oil has viscosity, or resistance to flow, the oil moves with some degree of sluggishness when the particles bite into it--it doesn't just move aside instantaneously and with no resistance.  This causes the ball to lose ball speed earlier than a ball with a smoother surface would.  As the ball loses speed, it reacts more to friction.  Eventually the ball is making more contact with actual lane surface rather than mostly with oil.  At this point, the particles bite into the lane surface.

     I just bring this up to point out that digging into the lane isn't the only oil-fighting feature of particle balls.  The particles also help the ball to slow down faster and make contact with the lane sooner.  Of course, rough surfaced reactives do that too, but particles enhance the process.

     Personally, for my game, I've found medium and light load particle pearls with a sheen to a light shine suit me best.  I can always go to higher load, rougher stuff when I encounter heavy oil, which is rare.

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Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top


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Re: The REAL reason for PARTICLE balls?
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2004, 11:11:05 PM »
This causes the ball to lose ball speed earlier than a ball with a smoother surface would. As the ball loses speed, it reacts more to friction. Eventually the ball is making more contact with actual lane surface rather than mostly with oil. At this point, the particles bite into the lane surface.

Great ascessment Shiv!  

Difference of 1/2 mile an hour on demanding lane conditions is a LOT!  Compliment that with earlier grabbing shell/coverstock and wala.........big problems.  

How many particles do you see thrown on the demanding lane condition on the PBA?     A few but not a lot.  


Ric Clint

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Re: The REAL reason for PARTICLE balls?
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2004, 02:42:52 AM »
And I've always noticed that on oil, that particle carry's the 10 pin better. Reactives don't seem to get into a roll soon enough (because they don't have TEETH in them to start grabbing the lanes) to drive into the pocket to carry the 10 pin consistantly, and Reactive's never grab the lane and get into a roll to carry the 10 pin, they just keep sliding and jme in behid the head pin and leave 10's all day long.

Anybody else notice this?

I'm wanting some replies on this matter, so that I can print this off and give it to him so that he will understand better.

I want him to see that Reactives DON'T hook earlier than Particles like he thinks they do... and that Reactives DON'T hook in oil better than Particle... and that Reactive's DON'T handle carrydown better than Particle...


He says that Reactives were hooking in the oil way before Particle ever came out, but I say that Reactive's were sliding in the oil and just hooking on the DRY backends... and NOT actually hooking in the oil like Particles do!

Think about it - Reactive Resin is something that they came out with to put into balls to make them be cleaner and get length through the heads... not to make balls hook earlier (that's the Particle's job!)!


Edited on 7/31/2004 2:49 AM


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Re: The REAL reason for PARTICLE balls?
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2004, 07:45:00 AM »
Hey Ric,

First off, tell your friend that particle is not "new".  The Columbia Orange Dot was one of the first(if not the first) "particle" ball produced in the late 70's to early 80's (can't remember exactly).  This is not a new concept.

Secondly, I also agree with your statements.  If a lane had some dry on it, then a resin ball may look and appear to react stronger because of how the stored energy reacts off the dry boards.  If a lane has "no" dry boards , than the particle ball would definitely be able to create better friction where the resin should just slide.  

Evidently your friend has not attended any seminars that show the differences from a resin cover to particle.  I had the opportunity to attend a couple from Columbia and Storm and they both showed us how small the pores are on a resin cover vs the huge gaps on particle that help create earlier friction.  This is all simple documented facts, if you'd like a copy showing the various micron sizes that Col used on their line from the Chaos to Icon(muscle), I'd be happy to send it to you.
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Edited on 7/31/2004 7:41 AM
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Re: The REAL reason for PARTICLE balls?
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2004, 09:02:24 AM »
Well it is an interesting question.

My best league heavy oil ball(oil to the sides) is a Reaction Roll.
But on really long flat patterns I've had great success with a Track Spell,
lower load or Demolition Zone, pure reactive.

Yesterday I went to bowl and conditions were deplorable.  Little oil in the heads and tons of carrydown.  I tried pearl particle forget about it!  Solid particle with polish Victory SPT and finally a solid reactive Hot Wire and this ball started striking.  Up till then nothing hardly wrinkled!

To give you an idea of the type of condition a guy next to me had a Throttle R and a Full Throttle.  The Throttle R couldn't hook at all(except a little in the heads)  The dull full throttle hooked in the heads and went Brooklyn every time.

Summary.  I actually believe that inthe backs pure reactive always hooks more IF two balls enter the hook(dry board area at the same speed)!  The parenthesis area is the important part.  Enter at the same speed.  

Because as detailed above if one throws a particle and a reactive with the same arm speed in heavy oil the particle will tend to be going slower as it hits the breakpoint at the beginning of the hook area.

Since I am a person that has the ability to slow down my ball speed easily, (many others can speed up easily) it is very easy for me to go up and throw a reactive like a Demolition zone very slowly.  Arm speed that may be 10 mph at the pin deck on a normal condition is about 12 mph on heavy oil and will hook and drive if it finds any dry.  

The comparison often given to explain this phenomenon is that Reactives are like racing slicks when the surface is dry they have more surface contact with the  lanes when the lanes are dry or dryer.

Particles are like studded snow tires they are great if there is wet but on dry surface they have less traction due to less surface contact.  Just like studded snow tires on dry pavement only the protruding studs(particles make contact).

My assessment is that reactives ALWAYS hook more on once they contact dryer, However that is IF they enter this dryer area at the SAME speed as a Particle.

So given that, my stategy for carrydown and long oil is always the same.  Tighten up my line, decrease swing area, move up one approach and use a light load particle left dull(track spell) or a reactive with a big movement usually.

It seems to work most of the time.


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: The REAL reason for PARTICLE balls?
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2004, 09:09:55 AM »
Oh the reason particles were invented was to smooth over under!

Shorter oil conditions of just 4 years ago or so when they cameout were perfect.
Good volumes of oil in the heads with strong backends were perfect for the 2nd generation particles.  Brunswick Pro Zone Violet, Extreme Chaos, Nighthawk SPT.
Great in the pocket all day with drive.

Then when center owners got convinced they wanted to restore scoring integrity.
Longer patterns came out, less volume in the heads and at many centers (at least in our area particles are almost not seen)  Or if they are they are very light load ones.

Then when tournaments come out they are often seen depending on the condition.


PS I can't begin to think of the number of tourney's I've been in where they put out a long shot to keep scores down and everyone pulls out their Morich Mayhem or other heavy load particle and move 5 boards right (still swinging) and keep throwing at the same speed and leaving a bucket every other shot.
I take my Spell, move about 10 boards outside (left for me) point and smash the pocket at about 12 mph all night! If they moved 10 boards right the heavy load of particles picks up too quick.
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

Ric Clint

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Re: The REAL reason for PARTICLE balls?
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2004, 04:18:59 AM »
PS I can't begin to think of the number of tourney's I've been in where they put out a long shot to keep scores down and everyone pulls out their Morich Mayhem or other heavy load particle and move 5 boards right (still swinging) and keep throwing at the same speed and leaving a bucket every other shot.
I take my Spell, move about 10 boards outside (left for me) point and smash the pocket at about 12 mph all night! If they moved 10 boards right the heavy load of particles picks up too quick.

Makes sense!!! If you try to play tight with an aggressive dull ball it does seem hook a little early... but you can slow down and use something with a dab of polish and start stringing strikes!

I've shot great on Heavier Oil doing this! Playing straight up the boards with slow speed with something that naturally goes long! And just slightly point it to the pocket.

Uncle Remus

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Re: The REAL reason for PARTICLE balls?
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2004, 09:18:09 AM »
Time will tell and as time passes I see particles making there departure. They suck when there is carrydown and I rather move way right with resin on heavy oil. I still throw all my SuperFlex solid reactive balls. I think they call them particles because they collect dust particles in my closet.