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Author Topic: Another year of frustration...  (Read 1441 times)


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Another year of frustration...
« on: August 30, 2006, 11:25:37 PM »
34 weeks...Handicap
The league continues to raise the amount of lineage b/c the house does.  Why?  There shouldn't even be a prize fund.  We pay $12 a night, around $2 is going into the prize fund.  So, that is $68 for the entire league.  The proposed prize fund means we'll get back around $60 a man for each team.  They try to keep it even so everybody gets near the same.  But, they paid Hi Avg and such.  Thus, we don't even get our 68 back.  Why even have it?  Pay for bowling, sec fees and banquet fund.

They raised the handicap to 100% of 230.  I don't really have a problem with this, but they didn't explain it to the lesser avg bowlers and those folks were voting AGAINST it.  I started laughing at them, it still passed.

Scratch...33 weeks
Same pretty much as last season.  They wanted to raise the linage $3.  One individual was saying the first place team didn't get enough back.  They cleared $170ish a man, that means above what they paid during the year.  We got back a third of what they got, hard to feel sorry for them.

I'm ready to quit league bowling all together, just tourneys and practice.  Committing for 3/4 of the year just isn't appealing to me anymore.


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Re: Another year of frustration...
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2006, 07:31:18 AM »
I sure am glad I dont live where ever it is that you are. I have never heard of anything like what you described. Why even bother to bowl in whatever that thing is you mentioned. It doesnt sound like any league I have heard of.


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Re: Another year of frustration...
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2006, 07:46:58 AM »
I am glad that I don't live there.  Are leagues are $20 a night, but are prize fund is a lot better than that.  We are looking at around $1600 a person for first place.
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Re: Another year of frustration...
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2006, 08:08:57 AM »
I am glad that I don't live there.  Are leagues are $20 a night, but are prize fund is a lot better than that.  We are looking at around $1600 a person for first place.

That depends on how you look at it.  If I want to make money bowling, I won't try it bowling league.


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Re: Another year of frustration...
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2006, 11:26:59 AM »
The problem is, if you don't bowl league, you don't have a book for that year.  Some tournaments do go to a 2 year book, but others use current book.  So if you don't bowl league, you have to sub enough in one league to get in the 21 games or whatever amount the tournaments require.

I can relate to your Hdcp league.  We pay $15 a week ($1.00 goes to 50/50 which means $0.50 per bowler goes out each week)which makes it more like $14.50 and very little goes to prize fund.  The hdcp isn't as high as your league set, ours 90% of 200.  

There is a group of people in the league that refuse to vote for fee increases even when lineage is increased.  Their reason is that they believe with a small prize fund sandbagging will cease.  It doesn't, makes me think sandbagging must be a way of life for them.  I continue to bowl this league because I have friends who I would see very little of outside of this league due to schedules.
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Re: Another year of frustration...
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2006, 12:47:29 PM »
The biggest reason that I believe lineage goes up around here is due to the lack of profitablility of the leagues. If I look at 10 years ago, most houses were packed with leagues every night, and they didn't care about the open bowler. Now its all about the open bowler and cosmic bowling. They go up on our league because they don't see it as being profitable compared to cosmic bowling. People are leaving our leagues because of the increase in lineage every year, and the lack of customer service for the league bowler. I don't think houses could stay in business however without leagues. Pretty soon I think around here houses will be hurting to get league bowlers on board again.

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