Hey genius, nice comeback on my past position. Real classy, but what else would one expect from you. A hack, that what he knows wouldn't fit in my hand.
Way to try and back track from your MISTAKE...RIP the original poster, then follow it up with glaring errors and then retort with, 'this isn't a professional writing area'. So do as I say, but not as I do?
And your valuable time should be spent practicing...but then again, if gawd didn't instill you with it, you ain't gonna learn it. How's that for English.
You should try and quit while you're ahead. Quit proving to everyone, that there is no way you should be writing for BTM, much less the comics.
Get tired of being run out of the PBA forums?
Formerly BrunsRico
Edited on 5/26/2009 8:17 AM