I've been playing with a drop away style of ball placement ala Earl Anthony who was widely considered the master of speed control.
The other night I was bowling on a shot that had dried out somewhat. I started out with my heavy oil ball. Initially it was hooking up early and uncontrollable. I increased the height of the drop away and started to string strikes. Once I was lined up with it, I switched to my med/dry ball, decreased the height of the dropaway and started to string with it. I decreased the height of the dropaway a hair more and started stringing with a Storm Flame Reactive.
After experimenting with the dropaway, I'm thinking that a person can change their ball reaction a lot more with their physical game than they can by switching bowling balls. I'm also of the mind that with the dropaway it's a lot easier to keep the same ball in your hand and play the same line just by changing ball speed.
Is anybody else out there using a dropaway instead of a push away?