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Author Topic: The virtues of the dropaway  (Read 1739 times)

Jerry Weller

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The virtues of the dropaway
« on: June 10, 2003, 01:33:34 AM »
I've been playing with a drop away style of ball placement ala Earl Anthony who was widely considered the master of speed control.

The other night I was bowling on a shot that had dried out somewhat. I started out with my heavy oil ball. Initially it was hooking up early and uncontrollable. I increased the height of the drop away and started to string strikes. Once I was lined up with it, I switched to my med/dry ball, decreased the height of the dropaway and started to string with it. I decreased the height of the dropaway a hair more and started stringing with a Storm Flame Reactive.

After experimenting with the dropaway, I'm thinking that a person can change their ball reaction a lot more with their physical game than they can by switching bowling balls. I'm also of the mind that with the dropaway it's a lot easier to keep the same ball in your hand and play the same line just by changing ball speed.

Is anybody else out there using a dropaway instead of a push away?



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Re: The virtues of the dropaway
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2003, 12:59:25 AM »
Gentleman I'm all for anything you can do to reduce the number of kmovements to make it easier to repeat shots.

As long as you are going drop away anyway try doing it with a 3 step approach.
That's even less to go wrong.

The only tough part about doing it via the Freeburn way of holding the ball out to near full extension at set up is some people either lack the arm
strength to do that, or it really puts some pressure on the lower back region to hold the ball like that.
Well for those with not 100% healthy backs.

It Seemed like a good idea at the time.

Jerry Weller

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Re: The virtues of the dropaway
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2003, 02:06:57 AM »
I don't think I'd get enough ball speed with a 3 step, but if it works for you great.