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Author Topic: Who's more disguisting: Randy Moss or The NFL  (Read 1999 times)


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Who's more disguisting: Randy Moss or The NFL
« on: January 13, 2005, 05:41:38 AM »
Just happened to be watching ESPN and I saw that Randy Moss was fined 10,000 dollars for the funny gesture he had against Green Bay. I thought, a little excessive but funny. Then I saw that Eric Barton was fined only 7,500 dollars for his vicious elbow to Drew Brees. This got me to thinking that the No Fun League was more enticed but Randy Moss's gesture than a BLOW TO THE HEAD that had the potential of injury.
Hey guys,
Has the NFL gone just a little bit too far with their need to control celebration of players that they don't care about the welfare of their own players?



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Re: Who's more disguisting: Randy Moss or The NFL
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2005, 01:43:30 PM »
There have been MANY hits harder than barton's.  But yes, i think they should concentrate more on safety than celebrations.
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Re: Who's more disguisting: Randy Moss or The NFL
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2005, 02:50:40 PM »
I think it is the changing of the times and a whole different mentality of the athlete. Go back 20 years did you see of that on tv? Did you ever see Raymond Berry pull a stunt like that? Did you ever see Joe Montana, Mel Renfro,
Franco Harris do anything of that nature? I believe today's athletes are so over paid it has put all professional sports on the verge of bankruptcy. Granted the media has blown several of the antics out of proportion but still I have lost respect for several of the athletes, T.O., & Moss especially. I hardly watch professional sports due to the attitudes of the players, their bit_hing about not making enough money, I just do not understand the nature or the drive of the athlete today, it's all about the money today not the game. You have guys making as much playing one game as many families make in a year,
and yet they still find something to bit_h about. I hate to say it but I wish some of the spoiled little boys with egos larger than life itself, we refer to as professional athletes to take a harder look at what a real man is like,one who cared not for his personal wealth or ego, I'm talking about Pat Tillman. I need to back off here, this is such a sore subject with me, yep the only pros I watch one the tube are our poor in comparison bowling heroes, my rant is over............... peace be with you all.
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Re: Who's more disguisting: Randy Moss or The NFL
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2005, 03:35:07 PM »
I think Moss got what he deserved and who cares anyway?  These guys have money to burn and it all goes to charity anyway.  What he should be fined for is his hair, it has to be a health and safety issue...I mean how would you like to be the guy in the stall next to him?  There could be all kinds of things going on it that fro! lol jk


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Re: Who's more disguisting: Randy Moss or The NFL
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2005, 05:43:59 PM »
What the h e l l is disquisting?????
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Walking E

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Re: Who's more disguisting: Randy Moss or The NFL
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2005, 06:10:43 PM »
This will continue to happen because nowadays so many players have an "It's All About Me" attitude. Moss' act was purely intended to draw attention to himself, as are all of TO's antics and all of the other TD or sack celebrators.
It's kind of funny sometimes to watch a player get a sack in the 4th quarter and go running around the field like an idiot making gestures or some stupid sack dance. Gee, what about when the OL was dominating him the rest of the game? Should the OL guy have performed some idiotic dance routine or "look at me" gesture each time he successfully flat-backed this guy or blocked him out of the play?
"Look at ME - I got a sack! Look at ME!" (completely disregarding that he didn't get a sack the prior 50 plays)
"Look at ME - I caught a touchdown pass! Look at ME!" (utterly ignoring the 2-3 passes he dropped earlier in the game or the time he missed a sure TD catch because he ran the wrong route)
Me me me me me me me me me me me me me me - that explains everything!
You weren't unlucky when you left that corner pin, so shut up about it already!!

Edited on 1/13/2005 7:08 PM


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Re: Who's more disguisting: Randy Moss or The NFL
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2005, 10:35:44 AM »
The obvious answer here is Randy Moss (or you can substitute Latrell Sprewell or Ron Artest, for that matter --- I'm really big on those two as well) ---- More of the "Me First/Look At Me/So what about the team" attitude we see so much of in sports these days......

It's too bad CLASS doesn't come with all that talent........To paraphrase Moss' response to the fine, it was something like What's $10,000 to me?? I make $5 million a year.  The problem is that the high school athletes see this and some get the impression this is NORMAL/ACCEPTABLE behavior......well, it's not.....
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Re: Who's more disguisting: Randy Moss or The NFL
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2005, 11:24:24 AM »
I love all the opinoins. two things.

1. if you watched the game you would ahve seen the fans giving it to moss all day on the sidelines.

2. the fans have a tradition of monning the visting team bus as they leave.

Moss did nothing butt give it back to them in a teasing manner. that is nowhere close to Plummer flipping off the fans earlier this year. when did we turn into a puritan society? the fans paid money to cheer and jeer and I don't think any cheese head was morally offended. P.O.'d maybe but not shocked.

that was no a big deal. try watching primetime TV with a child in the house. I can easily explain to my little kid monning is wrong and they will laugh. try explaining voilence, sexual assult, rape and other sex related talk in everything from sitcoms to talk shows.

besides 10k to Moss is one day's intrest in his bank account.

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-- William Munny
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
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Re: Who's more disguisting: Randy Moss or The NFL
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2005, 11:45:42 AM »
I am guessing that another factor is repetitive nature of conduct that violates league rules.  It is no different than an enhancement paragraph in the criminal realm...first time is a set sanction range, but for each successive violation of the law, your prior conduct also comes back to bite you.  If Randy Moss had been a quiet, reserved athlete prior to that action, the fine would not have been five figures.


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Re: Who's more disguisting: Randy Moss or The NFL
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2005, 04:06:50 PM »
So we can see close up of cheerleaders fake breasts hanging out of their tops, but we can't see a guy immitating pulling his pants down??? They show those stupid closups of girls, or attractive females in the crowd for that matter, every timeout it seems, so why is watching a guy pretend to do something so rediculous that it needs a fine?