Big talk from someone that only carries a 198 average on the great wall of china. League is only league, most bowlers are out their for fun, I have a good time destroying the wannabes like you. A guy like you that were to bowl in the scratch league that I bowl in would be laughed at.
I have the money to go to tourneys, If you don't I sorry to hear that. You put your money into the prize fund well guess what...SO DO I, so why is your opinion better than mine? I can choose to be as serious as I want with it just like you.
So if I should bowl in the ''have a ball league'' you better go back to ''learn to bowl,'' junior, cause your little 19 something average and your little 746 hi set doesn't impress me.
Get lost TOE (TOE=is something I can kick easily, an annoyance)
You're a tool, Mainzer. Maybe where you are, you're not making any money in leagues. Some of us can't afford the extra expense of tournaments and travel to and from said tournaments, so league is the only opportunity we have to bowl for something more than practice.
I don't know about you, but I take every ball I throw seriously. Doesn't matter where it is or what it's for. It's called being competitive. Should I lay down and not care because it's "only league"? I'm still putting my money into the prize fund and I have a right to take it as seriously as I choose, whether you like that or not.
I'll tell you what I tell the people like you in my center - If you want to have fun, join a Have-A-Ball league. If you're bowling in any kind of competition where money is involved, expect competitive bowlers.
Well it sounds like you take league bowling way to seriously. Who cares what you shot in league? It doesn't make you any money, they keep on taking awards away from us so their is no reason to take it that seriously.
If you want to be serious bowl tourneys.
''If their is a life after death,
then their is no death,
and if their is no death,
we do not live''
Progressive Metal Band
Oh look, signature updating finally works.
RIP ThongPrincess
Edited on 7/6/2009 12:04 PM
''If their is a life after death,
then their is no death,
and if their is no death,
we do not live''
Progressive Metal Band
Edited on 7/6/2009 2:46 PM
Edited on 7/6/2009 3:02 PM